Book Review: God, the Father of Mercydoi:10.1177/1030570X0101400218MichaelYarraA.YarraKellyYarraSagePacifica Australasian Theological Studies
In this book, readers meet Sean Doyle, a man with an interesting background shaped by years of emotional trauma. Sean accepts a job as a library security guard and quickly learns that the library can be anything but a quiet place. He spends his days focusing on people whose behaviors are...
3. His new HIV meds kicked his system out of a sound sleep. Wakes up hungry, cranky, spoiling for a fight. When it doesn't find an active infection it starts attacking the harmless remnants of old infections. 他的HIV新药唤醒了他原本沉睡的免疫系统,醒来时饥肠辘辘、脾气暴躁,急需一场战役;而...
This is Ellison's first novel, but he has complete control of his story and his style. Watch it. Lyndsey reviewsGeorge Orwell’s1984on Goodreads: YOU. ARE. THE. DEAD. Oh my God. I got the chills so many times toward the end of this book. It completely blew my mind. It managed to...
Unless you frequent musty old bookstores, you’ve probably never seen his name before, but Cobb was then producing humorous and folksy books with titles like Speaking of Operations and Old Judge Priest (which John Ford would film the following year with Will Rogers in the title role). ...
In His Image: The Cloning of a manby David Rorvik Was this 1978 book really a hoax, or has a man been cloned? Dogs That Know When Their Owners are Coming Homeby Rupert Sheldrake Humans have an interesting connection with animals. Does your dog always go to the door and wait for you ...
This was the first time, and he hadn’t eaten for almost two days. He was a man with self-respect and she must believe that. It was important. She must believe that, for God’s sake. The old woman opened her bag. She dropped a dime into his palm. Charlie sat on a bench in ...
Book Summary: In 1920s southern Mexico, Casiopea Tun accidentally releases a Mayan god from a magical box. To save her own life, reach her dreams, and help the god regain his throne, she goes on a perilous journey from Yucatán to Mexico City to the Mayan underworld, entering the world...
After having seen him thus publicly comport himself, but one course was open to me—to cut his acquaintance. I commissioned a mutual friend (the Honourable Poly Anthus) to break the matter to this gentleman as delicately as possible, and to say that painful circumstances—in nowise affecting...
Now, it is every man or woman for him- or herself in the great race to make money from the exploitation of labor and land. One of the book’s strong points is its criticism of certain left-wing movements. Invisible Doctrine takes to task the notion that individual recycling has a ...