If you have a permanent SQM reader installed you can add it to the map by sending me an e-mail.If you want an analysis of radiance (VIIRS/DMSP) changes over a period of time, then please use the Lighttrends application (look under Help).Please send comments and requests for new ...
Map shows how little light pollution there is North Korea compared to neighbouring South Korea, Japan, China and even Russia. The one below shows how this looks compared to the rest of Asia: Map shows the Asian light pollution. Perhaps most interesting is China, which has a huge amount of ...
The light pollution and the public health – a global issuedoi:10.1097/01.EE9.0000607204.20217.37M, GeorgievaEnvironmental Epidemiology
Light Pollution Map is an essential tool for travelers and outdoor enthusiasts who find themselves in remote areas. With data from the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite, the app provides a detailed map of light pollution levels in any location. ...
Light Pollution Map Sky brightness, VIIRS and SQM Jurij Stare Designed for iPad #36 in Navigation USD 4.99 Screenshots iPad iPhone Description The map displays VIIRS/World Atlas/Clouds/Aurora/IAU observatories and the user SQM measurements overlay over Microsoft Bing base layers (road and hybrid ...
Light Pollution: The Global View. Springer, 2003. 324 p.Cinzano P., 2003, in Schwarz H. E., ed., Light Pollution: The Global View. Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 39Schwarz H. E., ed., 2003, Light Pollution: the Global View. Kluwer, Dordrecht...
Electric lights have revolutionized our lives, but as illumination increases, the toll on wildlife and human health is becoming harder to ignore.
Citizen scientists and researchers found that we are losing our view of the sky at an astonishing rate of almost 10 percent each year
Winslow isn't too bad for light pollution. It has grown (slightly) in the last 10 years, but not much. My wife is from there (it's a good place to be from), and we visit her father fairly often.There are some completely dark skies left in Arizona. If you think Winslow had an ...
Light Pollution Map allows you to easily locate dark sky locations where the sky will not be affected by light pollution, allowing the best observance, star gaz…