想要更多的《The ..最近迷上了美版的《The Office》,了解后才知道以下这些梗的原图就出自这部剧!原剧真的超级好笑,微纪录片的拍摄手法也超赞!强烈推荐给各位!顺便分享一下这一幕!这俩超级可爱ww
Twitter上和Facebook上的meme(段子/梗)层出不穷,meme几乎成为了欧美千禧年一代的代名词。 很多meme出自于在大学生中最流行的美剧,但作为没有成长于美国流行文化中的我们,对于这些美剧的笑点却很无感。 不过不用担心,小编在这里给你推荐一部剧中之剧作为起点,锻炼一下你的美式幽默。 The Office 办公室 The Offic...
看theoffice看到好多熟的不能再熟的meme 好怪 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... 查看更多 a 194关注 48粉丝 3720微博 微关系 他的关注(184) 魔法少年利利海海海海海人 黑髮女鬼廚 魔閭里-UnderGround- 我告...
The memorability of this episode is inflated because we get the Jim-reclines-fast-in-his-seat meme. 161. Season 3, Episode 21 - "Women's Appreciation" Laughs: 7.01 Importance to Office Universe: 6.79 Memorability, Quotability: 6.52 Emotional Weight: 5.11 TOTAL SCORE: 25.43 Best ...
OfficeGuyPublicMemeStash 69,842个粉丝 Mavlyanov Ilya Изкакогомульта? 47:20 How to be funny 28.7千次浏览 1:29:11 18. ASMR Fast Mouth Sounds Roblox Speed Run Walter White 86.4千次浏览 1:00:21 6. Ping pong 20.5千次浏览 ...
We are sharing meeting memes today guys, because omg – we all have been in the office, sitting around the table with co-workers and clients – thinkingis this a joke?The only jokes we like in regards to this are these memes about meetings!
OfficeGuyPublicMemeStash的视频 30 个视频 0:13 3. Cat 2.7千次浏览 0:08 21. Friday night 3.1千次浏览 0:05 15. Wife left him 7千次浏览 0:37 12. Sonic 9.8千次浏览 0:09 21. Bugless 9.5千次浏览 0:05 6. Cleaning 9.9千次浏览 ...
(theofficehag) 今日meme超话 #今日memes# û收藏 45 39 ñ566 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...搞笑幽默博主 搞笑视频自媒体 微博译制视频博主 查看更多 a 233关注 93.3万粉丝 44227微博 微关系 他的关注(229) 正在加载此用户名 牛爷爷狂...
Starring Steve Carell, John Krasinski, BJ Novak, and more, 'The Office' changed the game for sitcoms. Streaming guide for 'The Office.'
On the latest episode of the Office Ladies podcast, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey chatted all about the Season 5 episode, "Framing Toby," which features Toby's memorable return from Costa Rica and Michael's dramatic reaction, which has since been turned into a glorious meme....