想要更多的《The ..最近迷上了美版的《The Office》,了解后才知道以下这些梗的原图就出自这部剧!原剧真的超级好笑,微纪录片的拍摄手法也超赞!强烈推荐给各位!顺便分享一下这一幕!这俩超级可爱ww
Ok, I’ll just come out and say it, ‘The Office’ is the best thing on TV and millions of fans agree with me. Again, because of its popularity, you can bet that there are a lot of memes. We’ve scoured the interwebs for the best ‘The Office’ memes we could find and hope ...
The Office这部美剧大概是在美国千禧年一代中最流行的剧之一了。IMDb评分8.8,并且有30多万人评分;豆瓣上第一季也达到了8.4的高分。然而,这部剧在中国观众中并没有很多人知道。 The Office在13年前开播,2013年剧终。但是即使到现在,The Office依然是大家重复观看和讨论的美剧之一,所以各种meme也层见叠出。随便问一...
It appears in every corner of our daily life: in the office, on the train, by the roadside, on the grass... 图源:小红书@韬哥在walking 当一个人染上了“班味”,可能出现的症状包括但不限于:在假期发工作消息,在高铁上疯狂码字,在马路上回应着领导的电话等等。 “班味”让人渐渐精神涣散,下班之外...
【The Office】好基友一被子 Dwight saves Jim from Cathy | 办公室 1.6万 19 3:31 App The office但是只有meme 2246 1 1:46 App 【The Office】办公室:忽视一切的 Stanley 4万 88 4:50 App 【SNL】指环王版的“办公室” 1.7万 75 6:59 App 【The Office】S01E06.Hot Girl 删减片段 |办公室...
Start the day with agood morning meme, or not. These morning meeting memes are for those who are forced to meet in the morning. And what’s better than first thing in the morning? Last thing before you leave work! Boring Meeting
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Specifications: Material: Polyester and Cotton Blend Gender: Unisex Socks Tube Height: Middle Tube Design: Meme The Office Michael Scott TV Show Theme Usage: Casual Wear, Street Style, Gift Quantity: 1pc Features: |Chris Pratt The Office|How Much Season Does The Office Have|Office Guy Meme| ...
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Corny Work Jokes This morning I saw a person dragging a clam on a leash behind him. It must be hard to walk with a pulled mussel. Boss: How good are you are PowerPoint? Me: I Excel at it. Boss: Was that a Microsoft Office pun? Me: Word. Me: I want to travel. Bank Account...