TV’s mockumentary genre has taken on the doldrums of office life (“The Office”), the intricacies of blended families (“Modern Family”), and the fundamentals of elementary schools (“Abbott Elementary”). But now, NBC is about to go where no series set in the comedy verite format has...
The first question that came to mind with regard to the office was "where is it?" In the Brent Building! Yes, but where is that? Thanks to the often seen view out of the balcony window (po_pm025_1), there are some clues. Since the view is clearly an enlarged photograph, the real...
The ninth season of The Office premiered from September 20, 2012, and ended on May 16, 2013. It is the final season of the American series and consisted of 25 episodes (divided into 19 half-hour episodes, three hour-long episodes and one 75-minute long e
California. Shortly thereafter she enrolled in the Tami Lynn School of Artists to study acting. It was Tami Lynn who launched her career by becoming her manager and getting her a role on the TV series, "One Day at a Time." Bertinelli went on to star in three feature films. She was ma...
While Dwight was a regional manager in the last few episodes of the series, he named himself the Assistant to the Assistant to the Regional Manager (A.A.R.M). Dwight was also the Vice President of Special Projects Development for the Sabre Corporation, which was the parent company of ...
Kelly Erin Hannon (born May 1, 1986)[1] is a fictional character from the U.S. comedy television series The Office. She is the office receptionist for the Scranton branch of Dunder Mifflin, a position previously held by Pam Beesly before she quit to go w
One of the best of the season, and possibly the whole series! Michael was on his game! dwigt May 3, 2007 at 6:22pm AMAZING episode! me and my sister in kept calling each other during the commercials laaughing so hard! “i wish i could menstrate..” ...
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Let’s face it, there’s not a lot of evidence to support the cause of adapting video games for movies or TV. And yet we tried the “Halo” TV series from Paramount+ and… liked it? We discuss making the Master Chief a real character with a strong supporting cast, why the UNSC is...