想要更多的《The ..最近迷上了美版的《The Office》,了解后才知道以下这些梗的原图就出自这部剧!原剧真的超级好笑,微纪录片的拍摄手法也超赞!强烈推荐给各位!顺便分享一下这一幕!这俩超级可爱ww
The Office这部美剧大概是在美国千禧年一代中最流行的剧之一了。IMDb评分8.8,并且有30多万人评分;豆瓣上第一季也达到了8.4的高分。然而,这部剧在中国观众中并没有很多人知道。 The Office在13年前开播,2013年剧终。但是即使到现在,The Office依然是大家重复观看和讨论的美剧之一,所以各种meme也层见叠出。随便问一...
哈哈哈(theofficehag) 今日meme超话 #今日memes# û收藏 45 39 ñ566 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...搞笑幽默博主 搞笑视频自媒体 微博译制视频博主 查看更多 a 233关注 93.3万粉丝 44227微博 微关系 他的关注(229) 正在加载此用户名 ...
Laughs: 7.01 Importance to Office Universe: 5.88 Memorability, Quotability: 7.55 Emotional Weight: 5.89 TOTAL SCORE: 26.33 Best Quote: "It's true." -Dwight, creating a GIF you've seen countless times while admitting "Ze KGB waits for no one." ...
Memedroid is the best place to see, rate and share funny memes, pics and videos. Visit the website or download our app featuring a meme generator!
Note: Creating GIF memes is currently available on iOS, Android, and web. Select the photo you want to use. Before sending your attachment, select Meme below the image to add personalized text on the photo. Apply the captions, then Send your customized meme to ...
Teamwork Makes the Meme Work: The Best Memes About Working Together Making a team work is even better when you can laugh at these teamwork memes together. Whether you are in the office and are forced to work on a team, or in a club, at school, playing sports – we all know the fun...
Note: Creating GIF memes is currently available on iOS, Android, and web. Select the photo you want to use. Before sending your attachment, select Meme below the image to add personalized text on the photo. Apply the captions, then Send your customized meme to ...
OfficeGuyPublicMemeStash的视频 30 个视频 0:13 3. Cat 33 人观看 0:08 21. Friday night 19 人观看 0:05 15. Wife left him 38 人观看 0:37 12. Sonic 2.7千次浏览 0:09 21. Bugless 6.6千次浏览 0:05 6. Cleaning 9.5千次浏览
On the latest episode of the Office Ladies podcast, Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey chatted all about the Season 5 episode, "Framing Toby," which features Toby's memorable return from Costa Rica and Michael's dramatic reaction, which has since been turned into a glorious meme. For those who...