“Without Michale, something remains, something ain't." 大概是前年六月从season4开始补看the office,主要原因还是因为网飞下架了friends,想穿差一点新鲜的平凡玩笑当作生活背景音。现在回想起来,还是非常庆幸。是我在非常不稳定的2020里获取快乐的最简单方式。 观看顺序是从第四季入手,一路看到第八季,又折回第一...
办公室 第三季 The Office Season 3第12集 旅行推销员 本集中文名:旅行推销员 本集原名:Traveling Salesmen 播放时间:2007-01-11星期四(当地时间) 剧情简介: Dwight帮Angela脱困,Andy发现了这一秘密,为了拉拢Michael,Andy以此对付Dwight。现在Dwight必须坦白,要么公开他和Angela的关系,要么被开除。
“Without Michale, something remains, something ain't." 大概是前年六月从season4开始补看the office,主要原因还是因为网飞下架了friends,想穿差一点新鲜的平凡玩笑当作生活背景音。现在回想起来,还是非常庆幸。是我在非常不稳定的2020里获取快乐的最简单方式。 观看顺序是从第四季入手,一路看到第八季,又折回第一...
办公室 第二季 The Office Season 2第15集 男孩与女孩 本集中文名:男孩与女孩 本集原名:Boys & Girls 播放时间:2006-02-02星期四(当地时间) 剧情简介: Jan来找女性员工开会,Micheal带着男员工去仓库找蓝领工人们“讨论男性议题” 推荐 办公室 第二季 ...
《The office》地区经理麦克觉得自己是有史以来最幽默最酷的好老板,不幸的是,在他下属眼里,他却一点儿都不酷,十分可憎,并且非常招人烦。他的合伙人吉姆大部分精力都用在追求一位已经订婚的前台接待员帕姆,其他时间就抽空和同处一个方格办公区中的同事“万事通”德怀特捣乱,拖拖人家后腿,拆拆人家墙角什么的。 赖...
Andy Bernard (Ed Helms) and Erin Hannon (Ellie Kemper) appear in a scene from The Office. Photo: Chris Haston/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank We got our first look at Andy in the Season 3 premiere, when he introduces himself as the Regional Director in Charge of Sales at the Stamford branch, ...
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An enticing combination of The Devil Wears Prada and Jim and Pam's The Office romance, Set It Up makes workplace love almost seem like a good idea. Almost. Starring Zoey Deutch and Glen Powell as two overworked assistants intent on making their bosses fall for one another, this breezy come...
Starring Steve Carell, John Krasinski, BJ Novak, and more, 'The Office' changed the game for sitcoms. Streaming guide for 'The Office.'
He began with the sick, for Walker added doctoring to his other activities, and he had a small room behind the office full of drugs. An elderly man came forward, a man with a crop of curly grey hair, in a blue lava-lava, elaborately tatooed, with the skin of his body wrinkled li...