The future of animation on Netflix is a bit grim. Despite an interesting showcase at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, it was revealed this past April that Netflix would be drastically cutting down on its animated programming. This move, made in the wake of various scandals for...
Lisa Hanawalt returned to Netflix with the animated seriesTuca & Bertie. You’ll recognize a touch of the former show’s animation style in Tuca and Bertie, an anthropomorphic pair of 30-something female birds who live in the same apartment building. Tuca (Tiffany...
" makes a good case that live-action productions should invest in more high-quality animated spin-offs. "Nightmare of Wolf" follows the adventures of the Witcher Vesemir, the man who mentored Geralt, the lead of Netflix's live-action fantasy series. Living in the waning age of Witchers, ...
[Deep breath, as if bearing the weight of all my past mistakes:] A layoff-happy meanie CEO shrugs off his long-lost birth mother when she accosts him outside his office building, but after a head injury leaves him a little slow on the uptake, he happily joins [second deep breath] h...
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The Office is reportedly the most-watched show on Netflix, and a new report indicates NBC Universal is discussing whether to remove it from the streaming service in 2021 and bring it to its own subscription video platform. This marks the latest potential
Image Credit: Netflix 857 474 3. Stranger Things Stream now on Netflix Every now and then a piece of pop culture explodes so brightly, you feel you’re missing out if you end up just one episode behind the rest of the people at your office. Stranger Things was one of these cultural...
Year: 2019 Seasons: 3 Available on: Netflix US/UK Brought to you by David Fincher and Joshua Donner, this unique animated series actually consists of a series of short films that aren't in any way interconnected. Set across various genres, the episodes sometimes relate to a similar theme,...
From The Fast and the Furious to The Irishman, here are the best Netflix movies to watch right now
When Knives Out was a critical and box office success for Rian Johnson, he did something surprising for his follow-up; he signed a deal to bring the sequel to Netflix as an original movie with only a limited theatrical window. Daniel Craig's Benoit Blanc returns in what started out as ...