Charles Glover Barkla FRS FRSE (7 June 1877 – 23 October 1944) was a British physicist, and the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1917 for his work in X-ray spectroscopy and related areas in the study of X-rays (Roentgen rays). Arthur Gordon Webster Arthur Gordon Webster (Nove...
Roentgenogram of heart and electrocardiogram and intravenous pyelogram were normal. The electroencephalographic findings were as follows: at rest with the eyes closed alpha waves were observed poor range and Q-waves were observed under 50/~V symmetrically. The small spikes were recorded in right ...
1 HISTORY IN THE LANGUAGE: THE VOCABULARY AS A HISTORICAL REPOSITORY Here, therefore, is the first distemper [imbalance] of learning, when men study words and not matter. Francis Bacon, The Advancement of Learning (1605) It has only just begun to dawn on us that in our own language alone...
CsAeTb(FsbcDraeGnv)pipaeotrisfooitrnrmosn:edCem1T3is=syioecanormstoampftuoegtrerdadpiahtgyon,moFsLoisTg(r=laef1pt8huFy-pf,lpuFeorDrorGo-twhPy)mEshiTdoiw=nee1,d8MfFuR-rIth=er fluoro-deoxy-glucosepmro(aFggrDneesGsti)conrpeosoofsnciatrnlcociefineimdemacgaiirnscgsin.ioomn attoosmiso(a...