You Am I "The Ocean": I rode on down to face the ocean spray I had no plan to return this time The gravity that gave me up...
The Ocean "Ptolemy Was Wrong": I Can tell you what I've seen I can no longer believe I, I can't tell you how I feel I do no longer...
And the sun lays it's kiss on the sand I'll be drawn to the shore Like so many times before As I long to be far from the land. Now I'm bound for the heart of the ocean I'm riding the sea in my soul In the dark and the deep She will rock me to sleep Down below... wh...
To your ocean eyes. The pictures you took That cover your room, And it was just like the sun But more like the moon. A light that can reach it all. So now I'm branded for taking the fall. Ohh... So when you say forever, Can't you see you've already captured me. Submit lyr...
Where the ocean meets the skyAnd as the clouds roll byWe'll sing the song of the sea看到百度知道里也有一个提问的,然后我就直接汇总了一下歌词,纯手打~~ 璟jing2011 醒来吧 1 英文版的Song of the Sea by Lisa HanniganThese lyrics are from the official album.LYRICS:Between the here, Between...
And when I think of paradise I see the ocean in your eyes Where did you come from Where will you go I know I can't leave you Here on your own And when I think of paradise I see the ocean in your eyes [Bridge] I've seen so many stars from different angles ...
:to sway or cause to sway back and forth b :to cause to be upset rockedby the news rock 2 of 3noun 1 :a rocking movement 2 :popular music usually having a fast tempo, strong beat, and much repetition rock 3 of 3noun 1 :a large mass of stone ...
EPIC: The Ocean Saga lyrics. Soundtrack for musical, 2023. Complete OST song list, videos, music, description
The ocean rows us away Oh the ocean rows us away, away, away The ocean rows us away The sun and the moon An ocean of air So many voices But nothing is there But The ghost of you asking me why Why did I leave Oh the ocean rows us away, away, away The ocean rows us away Oh...
Falling into the ocean, day seven. You never learned to swim. Sinking to the bottom of the ocean, day twenty. How could you see the bottom? Sinking to the bottom of the ocean, day one hundred... day one hundred... day one hundred. Why can't you see the bottom? Why can't you...