具体解决我还不清楚 不过看到有人说细化网格这是绝对不对的,我之前网格少的时候就不会出现这样的问题 现在网格细化了才出现的,原因可能是接触的原因,我看了下NEWEQ MSG 发现有节点进入到刚性模具体面,还有可能是材料的原因,我的材料温度范围是300-500 我设置的坯料温度为475,这样在计算的过程...
谢谢 我试一下
In total, 195 cells are not shown due to copy-number aberrations on this chromosome. Low-mappability regions and cell-specific copy-number alterations have been masked (white). Insets show smaller regions. b Single-cell replication profiles for 519 GM18507 cells, following amplification-free ...
Explicitly characterizing a neural system engaged with optimizing the above objective as a generative model, as we do in this paper, grounds NGC as performing a form of approximate Bayesian inference (much as5 did for the early predictive coding model of ref. 32) and connects it to perception ...
Dear all, I have some problems with my BeamDyn model. The following error keeps popping up at some simulations: "FAST_Solution:FAST_AdvanceStates:B1:BD_GA2:BD_DynamicSolutionGA2:Solution does not converge after the maximum number of iter...
Genome-scale flux balance models of metabolism provide testable predictions of all metabolic rates in an organism, by assuming that the cell is optimizing a metabolic goal known as the objective function. We introduce an efficient inverse flux balance analysis (invFBA) approach, based on linear pro...
Characterizing the behaviors of dynamic systems requires capturing them with high temporal and spatial resolution. Owing to its transparency and genetic tractability, the Arabidopsis thaliana root lends itself well to live imaging when combined with cell
The above iterative process converges to a local minimum of the objective function given in equation 5. The detailed algorithm follows: Repeat until convergence: For a = 1...k do begin For b = 1...n do [Math Processing Error]Hab←Hab∑i=1p(WiaVib)/∑q=1kWiqHqb∑i=1pWiaEq. 6 Fo...
We performed imaging using a Leica TCS SP8 confocal microscope with a Leica ×40 oil immersion objective. We took five images from each mouse cortex with a step size of 1 μm for a total of 40 μm, then merged them into a single image with maximum intensity z-projection. We identi...
the model parameters that we applied to (2), σe and σm are dimensionless and of order 1, and the distribution of projected data with \({\lambda }_{i}^{2}\ll 1\) is thus dominated by \({\sigma }_{e}^{2}\), enabling an objective estimate of the standard error in the data...