必应词典为您提供The-Oath-of-Hippocrates的释义,网络释义: 希波克拉底誓言;希波克拉底誓词;希波克拉底誓约;
希波克拉底誓言的英文是什么 希波克拉底誓言用英语怎么说 希波克拉底誓言怎么读 拼音:,拼音 [xī bō kè lā dǐ shì yán] 希波克拉底誓言翻译:希波克拉底誓言的英文 The Hippocratic Oath,希波克拉底誓言也可以翻译为 The oath of Hippocrates,还可以用 Hippocratic oath 表示希波克拉底誓言。 希波克拉底誓言的...
The Oath of Hippocrates 希波克拉底誓言 At the time of being admitted as a member of the Medical Profession; I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity; 今我進入醫業,我鄭重的保證自己要奉獻一切為人類服務 I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude whi...
The Oath of Hippocrates, 在医学界被称为"希波克拉底誓言",是在医神阿波罗以及埃斯克雷彼斯等诸神面前宣读的誓言。 希波克拉底誓言的具体内容有九条,在医学院中,立志成为医生的学生们要依照这一誓言宣誓。 1. 请允许我行医,我要终生奉行人道主义。 2. 向恩师表达尊敬与感谢之意。 3. 在行医过程中严守良心与尊...
Related to Oath of Hippocrates: Hippocratic oathHippocratic oath n. An oath of ethical professional behavior sworn by new physicians, attributed to Hippocrates but thought to have been written by a student or contemporary. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyrig...
The crisis of American medicine is not tobacco, AIDS, silicone implants, the Gulf War Syndrome, breast or other forms of cancer, physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, licensure, medical care for the poor, or any other specific medical or ethical issue. It is the same crisis that faces our...
WesternmedicinegoesbacktoHippocrates,late5thCenturyBC,anddoctorsstilltakethe"Hippocraticoath". 现代西方医学可追溯到公元前5世纪末的希波克拉底其人。而直到今天,医者仍然在履行着“希波克拉底的誓言”。 article.yeeyan.org 5. He:WhileSarah waslyinginthe examroom,sheaskedmeabouttheHippocraticoaththat washanging...
Related to Oath of Hippocrates: Hippocratic oathHippocratic oath an oath taken by a doctor to observe a code of medical ethics supposedly derived from that of Hippocrates (?460--?337), Greek physician commonly regarded as the father of medicine Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © Ha...
Hippocrates:The Oath of Medicine 《希波克拉底誓言》 I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Akso, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement: To consider dear to me, as my par...
Hippocrates:TheOathofMedicine IswearbyApollo,thehealer,Asclepius,Hygieia,andPanacea,andItaketowitnessallthegods,allthegoddesses,tokeepaccordingtomyabilityandmyjudgment,thefollowingOathandagreement:Toconsiderdeartome,asmyparents,himwhotaughtmethisart;toliveincommonwithhimand,ifnecessary,tosharemygoodswith...