Bristol: Intellect Books. Book Google Scholar Smith, M. (2013). Youth viewing sexually explicit material online: addressing the elephant on the screen. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 10(1), 62–75. Article Google Scholar Stegeman, H. ...
In the UK there is geographical variation in sources of healthcare for street sex workers. Author LP delivers a drop-in general practice clinic at a charity for SSWs in Bristol, to our knowledge this level of specialised general practice outreach is only available in one other city in the UK...
The tools used in a face-to-face consultation are various clinical instruments, the Bristol Stool Scale being one such instrument which is brought into the discussion to form a shared view of the situation. Another instrument is the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for pain, which is also introduced...
Daniel George has received research grant support from Acerta, AstraZeneca, and Millennium; consultancy fees from Acceleron Pharma and Merck; hon- oraria from BioPharm Communications/ClinTopics®; research grant sup- port and consultancy fees from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Exelixis, Genentech, Novartis,...
Frequent occurrence of microbial resistance to biocides makes it necessary to find alternative antimicrobial substances for modern veterinary medicine. The aim of this study was to obtain biodegradable silver nanoparticle-containing (AgNPs) foils synthes
Introduction: The discipline and practice of qualitative research. In The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research; Denzin, N.K., Lincoln, Y.S., Eds.; SAGE: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, 2011; pp. 1–19. [Google Scholar] Cannella, G.S. Qualitative research as living within/transforming complex ...
All SectionsDisabled People/People with Disabilities (Non-Medical Coverage)General All Special IssuesEnvironmental Sociology — Achievements and ChallengesA Special Issue on Electoral PsychologyAbility Expectation and Ableism Studies (Short Ability Studies)Ableism, Disablism, EnablismAccess to Justice: Historic...
Scale Development: Theory and Applications; SAGE Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, 2021. [Google Scholar] Schreiber, J.B.; Stage, F.K.; King, J.; Nora, A.; Barlow, E.A. Reporting Structural Equation Modeling and Confirmatory Factor Analysis Results: A Review. J. Educ. Res. 2006,...
School of Social and Community Medicine, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK Wendy L McArdle Tropical Metabolism Research Unit, Tropical Medicine Research Institute, University of the West Indies, Mona, Kingston, Jamaica Colin A McKenzie & Terrence Forrester Department of Life Sciences, Global Health...
5. For an accessible discussion of 'publicness', see Nick Mahony, Janet Newman and Clive Barnett, Rethinking the Public: Innovations in Research, Theory and Politics (Bristol: Policy Press, 2010); for the compli- cating effects of social media and online communications, see Nancy K. Baym ...