With that said, here's everything we know about The Nurse, the upcoming Netflix series. The Nurse: The Plot The trailer for this crime biography was recently released by Netflix, and here is our version of the story based on it. Pernille Larsen (Fanny Louise Bernth) relocates to a...
Josephine Park as Christina Aistrup Hansen and Fanny Louise Bernth as Pernille Kurzmann Larsen in 'The Nurse' (Netflix) LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA: Netflix recently announced the premiere of a true-crimethriller drama seriestitled'The Nurse'from Denmark, which follows a Danish nu...
Netflix announced today the global premiere date forThe Nurse, a Danish true-crime limited series starring Josephine Park and Fanny Bernth. Check out the teaser. The Nurse — Photo Credit: Tine Harden Based on Kristian Corfixen’s award-winning nonfiction true-crime bookThe Nurse: The ...
Over 8K TV viewers have voted on the 100+ Best Romance Shows On Netflix, Ranked. Current Top 3: Crash Landing on You, Outlander, Virgin River
The School Nurse Files: With Jung Yu-mi, Nam Joo-hyuk, Shim Dal-gi, Choi Joon-Young. Wielding a light-up sword through the dark corners of a high school, a nurse with an unusual gift protects students from monsters only she can see.
Netflix Similar to "Onyx Equinox," "Dota: Dragon's Blood" belongs to a league of adult animation that preserves the adventuring vibes of the "Avatar: The Last Airbender," although it's set in a European-inspired world. It helps that the series is worked on by Studio Mir, the same com...
Also ranks #18 on The Best Netflix Original Thriller Movies 39 I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House Ruth Wilson, Paula Prentiss, Bob Balaban 248 votes Hired to care for a reclusive elderly author (Paula Prentiss), a live-in nurse (Ruth Wilson) comes to be...
Watch on Netflix In retrospect, we probably shouldn’t be surprised that Netflix got its ownYellowstone-like series. The real shock is that it’s an Australian show withSuccessionovertones.The Last of Us‘ Anna Torv stars as Emily Lawson, a woman who has essentially walked into a struggle ...
Photo: Netflix The Haunting of Bly Manoris a sequel toThe Haunting of Hill House, but the sequel (in part) takes place in the ’80s. It’s a great gothic romance series for Halloween and is inspired byThe Turn of the Screw.
The Faculty: Directed by Robert Rodriguez. With Jordana Brewster, Clea DuVall, Laura Harris, Josh Hartnett. When Casey Connor, Herrington High School's newspaper photographer, witnesses the murder of a nurse and sees her alive again, he decides to invest