Millions of people around the world have high blood pressure. This news came out when the American Heart Association (AHA) changed the numbers at which high blood pressure starts.For many years, doctors said high blood pressure started at a reading(读数) of 140 over 90. The AHA has changed...
Blood pressure readings have two numbers, which are read as one number “over” the other. These numbers show the highest and lowest levels of pressure in your arteries during the blood pressure reading. For example: 110/70 mm Hg. Blood pressure is measured in mm Hg, which stands for mill...
Different disease processes like coronary artery disease can cause higher than normal blood pressures. Lower than normal blood pressures can be a sign of other disease processes like septic shock (shock caused by infection). The difference between your top and bottom numbers, or a change in that ...
Reading blood pressure entails noting two numbers on your blood pressure monitor, each representing different aspects of your cardiovascular function. These two numbers are typically separated by a slash, for instance, 120/80 mmHg. The first number is referred to as systolic blood pressure, and th...
Comparison of the numbers of blood pressure in two Spanish and North American young peopledoi:10.1016/j.amjhyper.2005.03.286ARTERIALPRESSUREYoungPeopleFernandoCarrascoMirasandFranciscoPascualLledoandMateoSilventeSDOSAmerican Journal of Hypertension
It's a standard part of any medical visit. Someone, typically a nurse, wraps a cuff around your arm and asks you to sit quietly while the cuff squeezes to the point of discomfort, then slowly eases its grip. Some numbers get jotted down in your chart.
Ideally, we would confirm this with data on plaque burden, but case numbers were few in both cohorts. This study has potential implications for CVD prevention by demonstrating the direct and equal contribution of BP at each observed life stage from infancy to cIMT in young adulthood. ...
To cut greenhouse gas emissions, we need to increase cyclist numbers and that means getting more women on their bikes. Transportation accounts for up to onethird of greenhouse gas emissions from the world's biggest cities. And traffic is the largest source of air pollution. To create health...
刚才那个题,为什么改成whatMost people know how it is like to have their blood pressure taken but few understand what the numbers that are used to record blood pressure mean.这句话哪里错了
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