In this paper, we discuss generating a ∗-algebra over the real field with a set of symmetric matrices. This is motivated by an application in structural engineering. We show that any ∗-algebra can be generated with at most four randomly-chosen symmetric matrices. The proof relies on ...
Define symmetric matrix. symmetric matrix synonyms, symmetric matrix pronunciation, symmetric matrix translation, English dictionary definition of symmetric matrix. n. Mathematics A matrix that is its own transpose. American Heritage® Dictionary of th
Lower bouds on the number of non-isomorphic embeddings of a symmetric net into affine designs with classical parameters, of an affine design into symmetric designs with classical parameters, and of a symmetric Hadamard design of order n into ones of order 2n are obtained. The bound of Jungnicke...
" The number of "3times3" skew symmetric matrices A whose entries are chosen from "(-1,0,1)" and for which the system "A[[x],[y],[z]]=[[0],[0],[0]]" has infinite solution is " View Solution The number of 3 3 non-singular matrices, with four entries as 1 and all othe...
摘要: A new formula for the pseudoinverse of a sum of symmetric matrices is presented, valid for arbitrary symmetric matrices without any restrictions relating to their column—or row—spaces. As an application of this formula a generalized version of the estimate minimizing...
Lower bouds on the number of non-isomorphic embeddings of a symmetric net into affine designs with classical parameters, of an affine design into symmetric designs with classical parameters, and of a symmetric Hadamard design of order n into ones of order 2n are obtained. The bound of Jungnicke...
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We consider the model of two coupled oscillators with Kerr nonlinearities in the rotating-wave approximation. We demonstrate that for a certain set of parameters of the model, the multi-photon transitions occur between many pairs of the oscillator states
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The extreme points of the convex polytope of nonnegative symmetric matrices of order n with prescribed row sums are fully characterized by their respective graphs. For infinite matrices such a characterization is shown to be impossible. However, after imposing some additional conditions on the positive...