1阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The world's oceans contain a vast number of strange c
One of the problems damaging our planet is the number ofthings we throw away. Rubbish of all kinds is piling up inlandfill and polluting our rivers and oceans. A more recentaddition to the list of things we chuck away is e-wasteelectronic items that are broken and not recycled. Now solut...
但题干中a number of respected scientific publications则找不到对应,属于无中生有,因此判断答案为NOT GIVEN。 第29题答案:NO 对应原文:第2段:Wegener … using evidence from a large number of sciences including geology, geophysics, paleontology, and climatology. 答案解析:同样是第2段提到,韦格纳运用来自地...
such as river basins, forests, and oceans 切实加强资金投入保障 and effectively strengthened the guarantee of capital investment 投入原住民生计改善 to invest in projects such as improving the livelihoods of the original residents 公园基础设施建设 park infrastructure construction 生态修复等项目 and ecologic...
At the heart of the problem is that, in the future, green activities like driving electric cars and using solar power is going to increase by a factor of a hundred. If something increases by a factor of a certain number, it becomes multiplied that many times. 问题的核心是,在未来,像驾驶...
The world's oceans reached their hottest level in recorded history last year,supercharging (加剧) extreme weather events,scientists have reported.They found that the five hottest recorded years in the oceans (1) had occurred(occur) since 2015,and that the rate of heating since 1986 was eight ...
In recent years, the number of se a turtles has reduced (减少) greatly because of pollution, and the illegal (非法的) trade in their eggs, meat and shells. Parts of the shell and whole bodies of the endangered turtles are into artworks. The oceans are very serious challenges to stay ...
but it could be a sewage spill or fertilizer runoff or any number of other sources -- that fish will feel the physical discomforts of the ocean microbes being out of whack. 但也可能是污水溢洒或肥料外流等等任何其他来源——那条鱼会感受到海洋微生物系统紊乱带来的身体不适。
Now something similar could be happening in the oceans. 现在类似的情况可能正在海洋中发生。 That the seas are being overfished has been known for years. 人们知道海洋中的鱼类过量捕捞已经有些年了。 What researchers such asRansom MyersandBoris Wormhave shown is just how fast things are changing. ...
The total quantity of water is not known, and it is about enough to cover the surface of the globe __7__to a depth of about two and three-quarter kms. Most of it—97% is in the form of the salt waters of the oceans. The rest is fresh, but three quarter of this is in the ...