"The Human adventure is just beginning..." "Ten years ago, a television phenomenon became a part of life, shared in 47 different languages, read in 469 publications, and seen by 1.2 billion people. A common experience remembered around the world. Now Par
(Methods).c, Proportions of intrathoracic only versus extrathoracic metastatic sites in 132 patients that relapsed either <1 year or ≥1 year after diagnosis split by SCNA ITH status.d, The difference in DFS in 392 patients harbouring tumours with different WGD statuses.e, The difference ...
Finally, to overcome limitations on available \(z\) scan range in our previous work, we adopted a different optical strategy for brightfield imaging which enabled us to image both chambers of the heart in arbitrary orientation, and allowed extra room for growth and movement on developmental times...
The top scan reached 38.4 GeV—Oh boy! (minutes of JADE meeting on 16 December1982). Hurrah—das top ist daaaa! Und morgen kommt der Minister (engl.: Hurrah—the top (quark) is here! And tomorrow the minister will come) was another outbreak of excitement, in April 1984, noted in ...
Cardiac involvement in Erdheim-Chester disease: magnetic resonance and computed tomographic scan imaging in a monocentric series of 37 patients. Circulation. 2009, 119: e597-598. PubMed Google Scholar Ammann P, Bosch B, Buchholz S, Genoni M, Laube I, Naegeli B: Cardiac tumor due to Erdheim...
‘nano-bioera’ in oncotherapy have resulted in a paradigm shift from conventionally non-targeted therapies to tumor-targeted therapies. Nano-bioengineering has extended its application to radiotherapy, immunotherapy, phototherapy, gene therapy, and combination therapy as well as novel therapies to ...
Pemberton A, Knight P, Gamble J, Colledge W, Lee J, Pierce M, Miller H: Innate BALB/c enteric epithelial responses to Trichinella spiralis: inducible expression of a novel goblet cell lectin, intelectin-2, and its natural deletion in C57BL/10 mice. Journal of Immunology. 2004, 173: 1894...
Whether this reflects larger sets of novel genes expressed in these latter stages, remains to be discovered. Figure 3 Venn diagram depicting numbers of predicted putative fungal Pt unigenes uniquely found in and shared among spore stages. The sizes of the circles reflect the pool size of unigene...
94. While you are reading the novel, there is no need for you to look (look)up every new word in the dictionary because you can guess their meanings(mean)according to the context. 你在阅读小说的时候,不必去查每个新单词,因为可以通过语境来猜测词义。 95. It suddenly occurred (occur)to him...
1 College of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China 2 Key Laboratory of Crop Physiology, Ecology and Genetic Breeding, Ministry of Education, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, China