Another Brian De Palma masterpiece, this movie centers around a woman embroiled in a psychosexual murder investigation. With stylized violence, tantalizing intrigue, and sexually charged tension, it's a provocative thriller that challenges the viewer's expectations at every turn. Notorious for its con...
As concerned with skewering the twin pomposities of mainstream action cinema and liberal Hollywood as it is with the terrorist armies of Durkadurkastan and North Korea, the film borders on genius in its self-aware use of wooden marionettes, particularly in the notorious sex scene. Even Matt ...
The Secret Sex Lives of Romeo and Juliet: Directed by Peter Perry Jr.. With Harvey Shain, William Rotsler, Dee Lockwood, Wendell Swink. An outrageously bawdy, sexed-up version of the world's most famous love story.
Chilean General Augusto Pinochet was one of history's most notorious dictators and a voracious embezzler, to boot. What if he were "bloodthirsty" in a more literal sense? From Spencer director Pablo Larraín, this pitch-black satire reimagines Pinochet (played here by Jaime Vadell) as a 250...
Also ranks #2 on Notorious Mega-Flops That Actually Made Way More Money Than You Think Also ranks #8 on Movies That Mess With Your Head, Ranked By How Confused You Are When The Credits Roll Also ranks #10 on The 16 Best Movies About Dreamworlds, Ranked 5,804 votes Can you smell the...
Sam Peckinpah’s ferocious Western re-wrote the rule book for onscreen violence: the film is bookended by notorious onslaughts of blood-spurting and slow-mo slaughter. It begins with a botched robbery, progresses to One Last Job stealing rifles from the US Army for cigar-chomping Mexican war...
but her anxiety, insecurities about her future, and desire to make weird art feels relatable without being stereotypical. The fact she's included in an animated family feature, a genre notorious for queer exclusion, will genuinely change lives. This movie rules and we're so lucky to have it...
InThe Scorpion King, The Rock plays Mathayus, a peasant hired to bring down the powerful Memnon (Steven Brand) and his sorceress Cassandra (Kelly Hu). Tormented by betrayals and thieves, Mathayus finds himself an unlikely enforcer of justice in the notorious city of Gomorrah. ...
"So Notorious" (2006) "Doogal" (2006) "Racing Stripes" (2005) "Jiminy Glick in Lalawood" (2004) "Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2" (2004) "Pinocchio 3000" (2004) "Whoopi" (2003–2004) "Littleburg" (2004) "Freedom: A History of US" (2003) ...
The movie is elegant, sexy and the most suspenseful of his oeuvre, because we sense how much is at stake for the couple. Read Variety’s original review of “Notorious” here. Stream the film on HBO Max. 45 Titanic (1997) Photo : 20th Century Fox Film Corp. It’s possible that no...