There have been claims that relational quantum mechanics is local, but it is not clear then how it accounts for the effects that go under the usual name of quantum non-locality. The present article shows that the failure of 'locality' in the sense of Bell, once interpreted in the ...
Martin-Dussaud, P., Rovelli, C., Zalamea, F.: The notion of locality in relational quantum mechanics. Found Phys 49, 96–106 (2019) Article ADS MathSciNet MATH Google Scholar Pienaar, J.: Comment on “The notion of locality in relational quantum mechanics.” Found Phys 49, 1404–1414...
drawing upon a close reading of film texts from the perspective of cinematography, editing, and sound, I claim that films genres and conventions originating from Hollywood films are utilized as expressive tools in service of the city space portrayal and nationalist narrative inThe Host; with real l...
The starting point of the present paper is Bell's notion of local causality and his own sharpening of it so as to provide for mathematical formalisation. Starting with Norsen's (2007, 2009) analysis of this formalisation, it is subjected to a critique that reveals two crucial aspects that ha...
6. The greater the population there is in alocality,the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vagu...
with the intention of comparing one locality or city with another and thereby fuelling the policy pursuit of ‘building’ greater resilience. But this eagerness to use the idea of regional (and urban) economic resilience as a policy tool or objective is arguably in danger of running somewha...
This article looks at the American TV series Ally McBeal and the meaning of the lead character for young college audiences in post-socialist Slovenia. Critical examinations of the series have pointed to the problematic construction of the character's gender identity based on the notion of liberated...
notion of a dynamic, intrinsic memory demand that would tell us which pages of the program were essential and which were replaceable—something simple like, “this process needs p pages at time t.” Such a notion was incompatible with the fixed-space policies everyone was studying. I began ...
Many attempts have been made to define power by theorists. The Classical notion of power as domination can be traced back to Hobbes’s “war on all against all” (Kavka,1983, p. 291). Arendt (1970) considers “power corresponds to the human ability not just to act but to act in conce...