The Notebook is a new hit musical based on the best selling novel that inspired the iconic film. Allie and Noah, both from different worlds, share a lifetime of love despite the forces that threaten to pull them apart, in a deeply moving portrait of the enduring power of love. The Note...
Turns out the musical's producers weren't the first to recognize the marketing potential of Kleenex. Thirty years ago when "The Notebook" novel first came out, handkerchiefs were given out to critics and bookstore owners. "We gave 'em a hankie for their tears!" laughed Sparks. "'The Not...
Get the best prices on tickets for The Notebook: The Musical on TodayTix. See this cinematic love story come to life on Broadway before it closes December 15.
The Notebook: The Musical is coming to Broadway this spring The Notebook Today, producersKevin McCollumandKurt Deutschannounced thatThe Notebook, the new musical based on the bestselling novel byNicholas Sparksthat inspired the iconic film, will play Broadway’s Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre (236 W....
A musical version of "The Notebook", featuring music and lyrics by Ingrid Michaelson, is coming to Broadway next spring. The show, based on the romance novel by Nicholas Sparks that inspired the 2004 film, will begin previews Feb. 6, 2024, at the Gerald Schoenfeld Theatre. Opening night ...
I’m excited to share the news with you that tickets are now on sale for the Broadway musical adaptation of The Notebook! Just typing those words gives me the biggest thrill. Back when I first wrote the novel, I remember thinking that The Notebo
thats why im singing thatthinnotebook thatweg thatiswearewillingtol thatisuncommoninstant thatmakesourlovestron thats a blast thats also innovation thats coming along ve thats if the choice w thats just bananas thats really somethin thats the adidas shoo thats too great a fin thats why i keep ...
I cannot wait for the world to hear these characters come to life in a musical way.” “I am thrilled to work with Bekah and Ingrid in order to make The Notebook a reality on Broadway,” Sparks added. “They are amazingly talented, and obviously, the story is near and dear to my ...
613. 60 Minutes S27E10 The Notebook/The Wrong Man?/Rolling Stones (1994) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NOT YET RELEASED Seen 614. Top of the Pops 2 - Britpop: Then and Now (1995) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 NOT YET RELEASED Seen 615. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction...
“When I was approached about working on the Notebook I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom and cry and come back into the meeting,” Michaelson also said in a press release. “I have loved the movie and the story for so many years now that the idea of turning it into a...