Greater progress was made by Spanish colonizers on the other side of the continent. In 1598, Don Juan Oñante led 500 men from Mexico northward into Pueblo lands in present-day New Mexico. The invaders brought with them a labor system known as the encomienda, which had originally developed...
Spanish-American War n. A war between Spain and the United States in 1898, as a result of which Spain ceded Puerto Rico, the Philippine Islands, and Guam to the United States and abandoned all claim to Cuba, which became independent in 1902. ...
Spanish News Today for the Latest News, Lifestyle & Tourism information in English from around Spain
(Spanish: España), formally known as Spain Kingdom (Spanish: Reino de España), is a country that is located in southwestern Europe, Portugal is in the Iberian Peninsula, North-Eastern France and the Principality of Andorra border. It also includes the territory of Eastern Mediterranean in...
If you’re low on cash you can always get by with free tapas, like those served in Granada! The Spanish government also encouragesNorth American ESL teachersto live and work in Spain, making it one of the few European countries that doesn't give preferential treatment to British or Irish ...
History of the Philippines, a survey of notable events and people in the history of the Philippines. The Philippines takes its name from Philip II, who was king of Spain during the Spanish colonization of the islands in the 16th century. Because it was u
Slavery in the North never approached the numbers of the South. It was, numerically, a drop in the bucket compared to the South. But the South, comparatively, was itself a drop in the bucket of New World slavery. Roughly a million slaves were brought from Africa to the New World by the...
The Indigenous peoples of the Great Plains are any of the Native peoples inhabiting the Great Plains of the present-day United States and Canada. They were among the last Indigenous peoples to be conquered in North America and are often regarded in popul
visitors will find lingering reminders of past rulers in the shape of the Roman Basilica Museum – which contains some of the oldest Christian relics ever discovered in North Africa – and the Arab Baths and Moorish architecture, which wouldn’t be out of place in the southern Spanish cities ...