The Normal Heart 作者:Larry Kramer 出版社:Nick Hern Books 出版年:2011-12-1 页数:96 定价:GBP 9.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781848422384 豆瓣评分 9.6 56人评价 5星 78.6% 4星 17.9% 3星 3.6% 2星 0.0% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单...
看到后来简直停不住,熬夜一口气看完了。感人至深,包罗万象。期待电影上映。PDF: Normal Heart 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 分享链接facebook linkedin mastodon messenger pinterest reddit telegram twitter viber vkontakte whatsapp 复制链接 The Normal ...
The Normal HeartPresents a preview of the book "The Serious Kiss," by Mark Hogan.working mother
以下的comments我也写在了百度mattbomer贴吧里,是我本人哈。昨天晚上10点多上床翻开the normal heart剧本开始看,然后停不下来,夜里1点30看完了,一边看一边带入演员的脸,想象着他们在舞台上身嘶力竭,挥动着肢体,特别带感。看完后,心里挺沉重的,那种无法发泄的感觉。因为我之前追helix这个剧的时候特地去看了《逼近的...
Nightingale– look, I have a heart, okay? If you made it through this book without crying,how??As you can expect from WW2 fiction, it has some heavy moments… and those moments that will have you sobbing on the floor. Heir of Fire– when fantasy hits, it hits. Yes, the direction ...
It will be in the Middle-Grade Graphic Novel section of the bookstore. Ollie moves a lot because of her dad’s job and so she’s decided that nothing she does really matters. Embarrassing moment at school? Doesn’t matter; we’re moving soon. Fallout with friends? Doesn’t matter; ...
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the world inside book the world into chaos the world is a ladder the world is full of the world is getting the world is waiting the world keeps on tu the world of bottled the world of carnegie the world of ice the world of informat the world of legend the world of teddy ru the ...
恋恋笔记本The Notebook(中英对白).pdf,恋恋笔记本The Notebook (中英对白) (文末附纯英文的) 1--Excuse me.打扰了 2--Come on, honey, lets get you ready for bed.来吧亲爱的 该准备上床睡觉了 3--I am no one special,我,没有什么特别的 4--just a common man wit
- It was a book? 这是一本书? - It was ten years ago. - 12. - 那是10年前的事儿了 - 12年前 - Obsession is dangerous. 刻舟求剑很危险的 Only if you're on a wooden ship and your obsession is a whale. I think I'm in the clear. 可当你坐在一条木舟上,你刻舟求的是一条鲸鱼...