(13)草率概括(Hasty Generalization) (14)Non-Sequitur (15)诉诸虚伪(Tu Quoque) (16)滑坡谬误(Slippery Slope) (17)内定结论谬误(Begging the Question) (18)既定观点问题(Loaded Question) (19) 模棱两可(Equivocation) (20)谬误之谬误(Fallacy Fallacy) 编者按 译者| Jane 转自| 36Kr.com 题图| 源自 pix...
2.False dilemma(进退两难/非黑即白) Also known as either/or fallacy or the black/white fallacy:erroneousreduction of alternatives or possibilities, usually a reduction or just 2. 3.Nonsequitur(不合逻辑的推论) Meaning “it does not follow”; also known as irrelevant reason: use of evidence en...
This is non sequitur fallacy at work because the statement presents one person's experience as evidence that vaccines are not safe, and it doesn't follow that just because someone got sick after getting vaccinated, all vaccines are dangerous. Note that this is also an example of the anecdotal...
Interestingly, this works for arguments as well, though there is no Marie Kondo here to help you. The better you get at arguments, the more argument furniture, rugs, tchotchkes you gather in the form of argument vocabulary, fallacy names, etc. In a sense, gathering this stuff is what it ...
(b) they think government ought to make people do stuff for the common good–such as have health insurance, not pollute, not abuse their children, among other things. The former point of course is just a variation on the fallacy of the undistributed middle–some liberals are vegetarians, ...
An either-or fallacy occurs when someone claims there are only two possible options or sides in an argument, when there are actually more.
(7)The fallacy of "non Sequitur" ("it does not follow"), still more drastic than the preceding, occurs when there is not even a deceptivelyplausible appearance of valid reasoning, because there is a virtually complete lack of connection between the given premises and the conclusion drawn from...
下列有机物的鉴定实验中,导致实验失败的操作是( ) ①蛋白质鉴定时,把A、B液混合后再加入蛋白质样液中 ②脂肪鉴定时,花生子叶染色后,直接进行观察 ③还原糖鉴定时,60℃水浴加热 ④淀粉鉴定时,直接把碘液加入到淀粉样液中
Is Non Sequitur a fallacy? (7) The fallacy of non sequitur (“it does not follow”) occurswhen there is not even a deceptively plausible appearance of valid reasoning, because there is an obvious lack of connection between the given premises and the conclusion drawn from them....
The genetic fallacy occurs when we argue that the origin of a belief, practice, or idea is a sufficient reason for rejecting (or accepting) it. However, the origin or history of an idea has no logical bearing on its truth or plausibility. ...