a2 nodes have inactive dof on which boundary conditions are specified. The nodes have been identified in node set ErrNodeBCInactiveDof. 2个结有边界条件指定的不活泼的dof。 结在结集合ErrNodeBCInactiveDof被辨认了。[translate]
7 123 nodes are used more than once as a slave node in *TIE keyword.One of the *TIEconstraintsat each of these nodes have been identified in node set WarNodeOverconTieSlave 定义接触的时候,公共节点重复定义了好几次,这样可能会出现过约束问题(只是可能影响).. 8 There are 2 unconnected regions...
Error in job Job-1:1 nodes are missing degree of freedoms.The MPC/Equation/kinematic coupling constraints can not be formed.The nodes have been identified in node set ErrNodeMissingDofConstrDef. Error in job Job-1:NODE SET ASSEMBLY__PICKEDSET10 HAS NOT BEEN DEFINED Error in job Job-1:NODE...
检查一下你的output設定裡是不是有些set或surface沒有設定到 24 123 nodes may haveincorrect normal definitions. The nodes have been identified in node setWarnNodeIncorrectNormal。 先用看看WarnNodeIncorrectNormal在哪儿。这个不一定是致命的警告,有时候可以忽略。如果模型不...
问:在job-monitor中有个警告是这样Solver problem. Zero pivot when processing DOF2 of 1 nodes。The nodes have been identified in node setWarnNodeSolvProbZeroPiv_2_1_1_1_1.S是不是刚度矩阵的问题?我的程序是照着一个讲座的材料上抄下来的,应该没什么问题的哪位老兄能指点下!
Check coordinates or node numbering, or modify the mesh seed. In the case of a tetrahedron this error may indicate that all nodes are located very nearly in a plane. The elements have been identified in element set ErrElemVolSmallNegZero. 在调看ErrElemVolSmallNegZero之后发现这个单元发生了不...
大神们知道ABAQUS这个错误该怎么解决么,The nodes contained in node set ErrNodeDeformableRigid belong to a deformable contact surface as well as to a rigid body. See the status file for further details. 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2019-05-12 11:48回复 ...
Consider scenario, you “balanced” your VMs across your nodes and you come back in the morning and...Date: 04/07/2014Its all about IOPSSharing some personal experience from previous benchmarks. Here are some general guidelines for...
Consider scenario, you “balanced” your VMs across your nodes and you come back in the morning and...Date: 04/07/2014Its all about IOPSSharing some personal experience from previous benchmarks. Here are some general guidelines for...
You don't need to diagnose your entire guarded fabric when diagnosing multiple nodes. In many cases it's sufficient to include all nodes that may be involved in a given failure condition. This is usually a subset of the guarded hosts, and some number of nodes from the HGS cluster...