22)红 九重地狱The NineHells23)红/灰 修罗场Acheron24)灰 涅槃境Nirvana25)蓝/灰 世外桃源Arcadia 6楼2023-06-14 02:41 回复 EZ686 嘎七姆七 14 DND抽象艺术?不是!这是个4维概念的二维图解这个概念基本上就是位面或者说维度,以及在他们之间移动的方式。途中位面分为两个基本的“区域”。内层的卵和...
【勢力 範圍】 九層煉獄之巴托地獄The Nine Hells of Baator 簡介: 九獄諸領主the Lords of the Nine 是地獄的統治者、巴特祖魔鬼的主宰,除了阿斯莫蒂斯與迪斯帕特外,所有成員都出現過更替。 神祇名 神力 陣營 舊譯 簡介 九獄諸領主The Lords of the Nine ...
【头 衔】塑世者The World-Shaper(阿斯格拉斯),暗影吞噬者Swallower of Shades,诸神之主Lord of the Gods,九面龙神the Ninefold Dragon,森罗谐和之龙the Concordant Dragon,永恒巨轮the Great Eternal Wheel,一切诸龙之造主the Creator of all dragonkind,沉眠深龙之父father of the Sleeping Deep Dragons 【阵 ...
To kick off our Hotter Than the Nine Hells series, we take the Hellevator ALL the way down and kick it with our ol' pal Asmodeus in Nessus! Potentially bad news for an Honor Among Thieves sequel Forbes (I know, right?) takes a look at D&D's upcoming official VTT DMs Guild Corner Pi...
she took a trip toDragonlancein the 80s (appearing as Takhisis) and is now settled in The Forgotten Realms, where she resides in Avernus, first layer of the nine hells. Tiamat is one of the most iconic D&D gods in existence – it probably helps that she’s got such a unique silhouette...
And to twist the knife, tieflings know that this is because a pact struck generations ago infused the essence of Asmodeus—overlord of the Nine Hells—into their bloodline. Their appearance and their nature are not their fault but the result of an ancient sin, for which they and their ...
The Nine Hells of Home Brew Telrhin has suffered through a variety of rules. Mostly AD&D variants, with a few forays into something more original (theGeorgerules, and the high-school eraShadowRealms). More recently it's been the 7th Edition of our OSR-inspiredStabmaster, with some tinkeri...
TALIESIN: What are the Eyes of Nine? MATT: "I have no knowledge of what you speak." TALIESIN: We need to undo this. Where in the city could I find those who opposed this, who tried to stop it? MATT: "Look around you." With that you watch as the face, begins turns to dus...
最后,在下列的诸神中,将首先描述非龙族神祇,那些巨龙神祇将以单独的顺序呈现。 Finally, in the listing of gods below, the non-draconic deities are described first, and those of the dragons are presented in a separate ordering. 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
Live 2019: The Descent,” said Nathan Stewart, Senior Director of Dungeons & Dragons. “I’ve been trying to spoil it for weeks but Greg Tito keeps shutting that down. All I will say now is that it’s going to be hotter than Nine Hells. You really need to tune in to find out ...