The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993)Touchstone/Kobal/Shutterstock It’s late Wednesday evening in London and Danny Elfman is admittedly jet-lagged. “We’re right in the middle of scoringDumbo,” says the iconic composer of the upcoming live-action adaptation of the classic story starring Danny ...
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Directed by Henry Selick. With Danny Elfman, Chris Sarandon, Catherine O'Hara, William Hickey. Jack Skellington, king of Halloween Town, discovers Christmas Town, but his attempts to bring Christmas to his home causes conf
又名怪诞城之夜 The Nightmare Before C...编剧 蒂姆·波顿Michael Mc...主演 丹尼·艾夫曼克里斯·萨兰登凯瑟琳·欧哈拉威廉·海基Glenn Shadix 剧情 故事发生在阴暗灰冷的万圣镇,那里住着各种各样的鬼怪,他们唯一的任务就是为每年一度的万圣节作准备。瘦高个子的稻草人,顶着一颗人类的骷髅头——南瓜王子杰克...
ぽんダイヤ创建的收藏夹ぽんダイヤ内容:[自用]迪士尼扭曲仙境 2024万圣节 bgm 2 Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas,如果您对当前收藏夹内容感兴趣点击“收藏”可转入个人收藏夹方便浏览
《圣诞夜惊魂》英文电影剧本_The_Nightmare_Before_Christmas-First_Draft 热度: Child in the Night《夜惊魂(1990)》完整中英文对照剧本 热度: Mercy Christmas《慈悲圣诞(2017)》完整中英文对照剧本 热度: 相关推荐 Itwasalongtimeago, 很久很久以前 longernowthanitseems, 在一个遥不可及的时代 inaplacethat...
The Nightmare Before Christmas《圣诞夜惊魂(1993)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx,It was a long time ago, 很久很久以前 longer now than it seems, 在一个遥不可及的时代 in a place that perhaps youve seen in your dreams. 在一个梦里似曾相识的地方 For the story that
“The Making of The Nightmare Before Christmas” (24:42), while not as long as other behind-the-scenes documentaries, is admirable due to its relatively non-promotional nature and detailed information on stop-motion animation. Key players Henry Selick, Tim Burton, and Danny Elfman are joined ...
The Nightmare Before Christmas: Réalisé par Joelle Mae David. Avec Dionne Brown, Llewella Gideon, Michelle Greenidge, Joseph Marcell. Queenie is forced to spend Christmas with her mum, which triggers feelings she's been trying to suppress, and her esca