The Effects of Health Care Providers Night Shift on Cerebral Oxygen Saturation and its Relationship to Cognitive FunctionCerebral oxygen saturationCognitive functionIn-training physiciansSleep deprivationWork-hoursBackground: In-training physicians frequently experience ac...
Working the night shift can wreak havoc on your sleep and have other negative effects.1This leads to an increased risk of insomnia and other sleep disorders, all of which have an adverse impact on health. Night shift work has specifically been shown to increase the risk of heart and digestiv...
Figure. Study Design for Rotating Night Shift Work and Healthy Aging in the Nurses’ Health Study View LargeDownload Participants who were free of major chronic diseases in 1988 were followed up for 24 years in the primary analysis (1988-2012; n = 46 318; age range at baseline, 46...
and you’ll make a valuable contribution to our three aims. Firstly, we long to invest most of our contributions in medical research at the Children’s Health Centre, which is our chief intention to launch this campaign. ...
Besides, shift and night work may have more specific adverse effects on women's health both in relation to their particular hormonal and reproductive function, and their family roles. It has been estimated that about 20% of all workers have to leave shift work in a very short time because ...
How different this is from the more common experience with health care/medical practitioners who have little time to listen and to be with a patient. We might experience a medical provider as someone who sees us only as an illness (the cancer patient, the asthma patient) instead of recognizin...
B.Experience unrelated to your job is useless. C.A cheerful mood helps make a creative mind. D.Focusing on what you do raises productivity. 4. What does the text seem to advocate? A.Middle-of-the-road work habits.B.Balance between work and family. ...
1 Even the automobile industry, which has remained largely unchanged for the last seventy years, is about to feel the effects of the computer revolution. 即便是过去70年间基本上没有多少变化的汽车工业,也将感受到计算机革命的影响。 2 The automobile industry ranks as among the most lucrative and po...
A. To create a system for healthcare. B. To open up possibilities of finance. C. To teach a machine to identify different birds. 19. What is the program MediScan used for? A. Analyzing data. B. Detecting diseases....
40、Tensoldierswereambushedand___injuredafterthegunmenattackedthecamplateatnight. A.vehemently B.periodically C.enormously D.critically 41、AlthoughGutenburgdevelopedhisingpresswithalimiteduseinmind,theculturaleffectsofmassinghavebeen___. A.escalating B.grave C.profound PARTⅣCLOZEDecidewhichof...