波波老西每日讲成语:the night of the long knives 长刀之夜,血腥清洗 源自英国历史。公元472年萨克逊人入侵,首领亨吉斯特邀请当地布立吞人上层显要赴会,席间在每个布立吞人身边都安排一个身背长刀的萨克逊人同坐。在首领发出约定信号后,萨克逊人立即拔刀直刺布立吞人,被杀者多达460名。另一说法是,希特勒为强化...
长剑之夜(night of the long knives),1934年6月30日,希特勒在柏林和慕尼黑制造“长剑之夜”,对纳粹冲锋队头目恩斯特·罗姆等 … baike.baidu.com|基于9个网页 3. 将军之夜 ...」希特勒还是用盖世太保剪除反对他的人,最著名的是「将军之夜」(Night of the Long Knives),在一九三四年六月三十日, … ...
唯一能帮得上忙的正是鲍克兰名利场上的传奇,欧立安娜。 ” 琐事 此任务的名字“长牙之夜”(The Night of Long Fangs)来源于纳粹德国于1934年发动的政治清洗运动“长刀之夜”(Night of the Long Knives)。 在任务中可以顺便找到的书籍包括: 鲍克兰宫殿的娱乐室:日志...
David Low,They salute with both hands now!(3rd July, 1934) According toPaul R. Maracin, the author ofThe Night of the Long Knives: Forty-Eight Hours that Changed the History of the World(2004): "Ten minutes later, SS officers Michael Lippert and Theodor Eicke appeared, and as the embi...
冲锋队或褐衫队(德语:Sturmabteilung,SA)党卫队(德语全称Schutzstaffel),简称SS 如满意请采纳,谢谢!
"It was no secret that this time the revolution would have to be bloody; when we spoke of it we called it 'The Night of the Long Knives.' Everyone must know for all future time that if he raises his hand to strike the State, then certain death is his lot." ...
January 24, 1934-Jews are banned from the German Labor Front. May 17, 1934-Jews not allowed national health insurance. June 30, 1934-TheNight of Long Knivesoccurs as Hitler, Göring and Himmler conduct a purge of the SA (storm trooper) leadership. ...
Night of the Long Knives: A purge that took place in Nazi Germany from June 30 to July 2, 1934, when the Nazi regime carried out a series of political extrajudicial executions intended to consolidate Hitler’s absolute hold on power in Germany. Many of those killed were leaders of the SA...
Night of the Long Knives (TV Movie 2005) - Goofs on IMDb - bloopers, mistakes, errors in continuity, plot holes, anachronisms, spoilers and more.
He was murdered during the Night of the Long Knives, in 1934. Adolf Hitler gave the order to murder Röhm. År 1934 mördades Röhm på order av Adolf Hitler under en ”rensningaktion” kallad de långa knivarnas natt. ParaCrawl Corpus In 1934, as part of the Night of the...