St. Augustine’s questions were on my mind when I composed an experimental “creed” for an alternative liturgy at our local Episcopal parish.[xi]The Nicene Creed, crafted by the fourth-century Council of Nicaea to be a concise summary of orthodox belief, is still recited in the Sunday rite...
1The Nicene Creed, beginning, “I believe in one God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible, and in one Lord Jesus Christ … .” It is usually described as a revision by the First Council of Constantinople (381) of the creed adopted...
Not until I joined our local United Methodist church in my late teenage years did I learn the Apostle’s Creed contains this line: “I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth.” The Nicene Creed contains the same affirmation. The phrase is such a simple one we may...
Once again the identification is being made between the beloved and ‘the onlie-begotten’. Perhaps the mention of ‘father’ in line 1 brought the passage subconsciously to mind. In any case, the concatenation of the two words, ‘father’ and ‘substance’ is not common and is enough to ...
The Nicene Creed declares that the three Persons are “of one substance.” In other words, whatever God is made of, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have all got it—and in equal measure. But what is that “substance?” Is it a divine essence which existed prior to, or in addition to,...
One member of the Order, Fulke, considered that these beliefs were based on the Gnostic texts from before the Nicene Creed, and as such took a strict dislike to Abrahamic religions in general. The Order of the Ancients were also aware of Juno's imprisonment in the Grand Temple as well as...
creeds ultimately leads the Spanish bishops to replace the singing during the liturgy of the Nicene Creed with a creed close to it, which confesses the procession of the Holy Spirit from the Fatherand the Son.This raises a difficult question: can those who changed the Creed be considered ...
In Catechism class I learned others – Hail, Holy Queen, Memorare, Nicene Creed. The Mass, back then, was prayed in Latin with minimal participation from the laity in the pews. The Rosary was prayed often, and not uncommonly in silence while Mass was being offered in a language we ...
It is thus a reminder of the nature of the Orthodox Church as the one holy and Catholic apostolic Church referenced in the Nicene Creed, whose Tradition encompasses Scripture. The Feast affords a great remembrance to us of the entryway into the Church provided by the Mother of God in her ...
It should not be a surprise that this foundational truth, the same truth we profess in the Creed that “through Him all things were made” is under attack. And because it ultimately has its cause in the diabolical, it is so subtle that we might not even realize what is going on. Lies...