17. Welcoming the launch of the Trilateral Visionary Group initiated by the TCS bringing together eminent figures from the three countries, we look forward to the constructive work and proposal to be issued for further improving the trilateral process. We support the Network of Trilateral Cooperation...
TcSUH In The News Congratulations to TcSUH PIs Piero Canepa and Yan Yao, quoted in Science February 20, 2025 Move over lithium: Sodium batteries could one day power a green economy Lithium-ion batteries are ubiquitous, not just in earbuds, phones, and cars, but also in massive facilities ...
In the next step, we tested the binding of Dfd protein to the different AP2x-377 enhancer versions in vivo. To this end, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments using a Dfd antibody on chromatin retrieved from embryos containing the wild-type version of the AP2x-377 trans...
Image acquisition was performed on an inverted Leica TCS SP8 microscope or a Leica Thunder DMi8 microscope using a ×631.4 NA oil objective with Lightening or Thunder LVCC (large volume computational clearing) mode at max resolution, adaptive as ‘Strategy’ and water as ‘Mounting medium’ to ...
Climate change leads to sea level rise worldwide, as well as increases in the intensity and frequency of tropical cyclones (TCs). Storm surge induced by TC’s, together with spring tides, threatens to cause failure of flood defenses, resulting in massive flooding in low-lying coastal areas. ...
improve resource utilization, and reduce operational expenditure (OPEX). End users can access cross-platform applications and the entire desktop through thin clients (TCs) or other devices connected to the network. All data runs on the cloud, enabling flexible terminal access and ensuring data securi...
6H). Together, Wnt signaling can attenuate autophagy by inhibiting TCS phosphorylation in a GSK3β dependent manner. However, during autophagy induction, a positive feedback mechanism is initiated where Dvl (the GSK3β inhibitor) is degraded by LC3 interaction and derepressed GSK3β induces ...
Four thematic clusters (TCs) were identified from the included research articles, as shown in Table 4. VOSviewer was used to perform clustering based on bibliographic coupling. This method identifies relations between documents by examining publications that cite the same sources (Boyack & Klavans, ...
In the second step, an equimolar mixture of tRNAArg- and tRNAVal-TCs was delivered to the POST complex. The results showed that fMPV was rapidly formed at a high yield and exhibited a kfMP+V,obs (where the “+” denotes the time interval between the delivery of translation components) ...
GEAR generalized engineered activation receptor, TCS two component system, POST phosphoregulated orthogonal signal transduction system, SNIPR synthetic intramembrane proteolysis receptor, AMBER advanced modular bispecific extracellular receptor, OCAR orthogonal chemically activated cell-surface receptor, DocTAR double...