Enchanted, a delightful blend of live-action and animation, introduces us to the world of Giselle (Amy Adams), a fairytale princess abruptly thrust into modern-day New York City by the conniving Queen Narissa (Susan Sarandon). Struggling to navigate this strange new landscape, she crosses paths...
Returning to New York City after being missing for years, Daniel Rand fights against the criminal element corrupting New York City with his incredible kung-fu mastery and ability to summon the awesome power of the fiery Iron Fist. Martha & Snoop's Potluck Dinner Party ...
It’s a very sudden, cheeky and rather chaste kiss that Jem (Trevor Eve) plants on a surprised Mary (Jane Seymour) as they converse on the moor. She’s cutting peat, muddy and wet. He’s being a rakish flirt while challenging her about her suspicions about the inn and her Uncle Joss...
Giselle Otero needs a win in her life, and being personal assistant to Helene Jolie, the socialite founder of SimplytheBest.com, is finally it. The hours are long, and keeping Helene happy is more than a full-time job. That Helene seems to find Giselle’s company pleasing in ways ...
From the creators of “Selling Sunset” and “Selling the Oc” comes “Selling the City.” The series follows a group of agents from real estate brokerage Douglas Elliman. Take a look at my interview with some of the ladies of the group -- Elenora, Abi, Taylor, Jordyn, and Giselle.“...
Jennifer Lopezleads the buzz in a new adaptation of Terrence McNally's 1992 musicalKiss of the Spider Woman. She'll costar alongsideDiego Luna, withBill CondonofDreamgirlsandThe Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawnduology as her director. Lucky pass holders will also be able to take inBenedict Cumberbat...
Tokyo Mew Mew takes a page from Sailor Moon and kills off the whole cast in the Grand Finale, only to bring them back with a single Mew Aqua and True Love's Kiss. (The latter was only for one person; otherwise, it would get really silly.) The Bronze Saints in Saint Seiya seem to...
Davis at Virginia Union University in Richmond, and Giselle Armond Abron at the University of Texas at Tyler School of Medicine. Emery N. Brown Selected to Share the Gruber Neuroscience Prize Honors & Awards May 27, 2022 Awarded annually by the Gruber Foundation, the prize honors scientists ...
InEnchanted, the formerly animated princess known as Giselle (Amy Adams) found her happily ever after in New York as the wife of Robert Philip (Patrick Dempsey). But not every happy ending lasts forever. In the long-awaited sequel,Disenchanted, Giselle is hurt when her stepdaughter, Morgan ...
February 6, 2019 | Categories: Fashion Royalty, Integrity Toys, Poppy Parker | Tags: 1/6 doll, articulated fashion doll, Bossa Nova Beauty Poppy Parker, Club upgrades, David Buttry, doll collecting, fashion doll collecting, French Kiss Vanessa Perrin, Integrity Toys, Integrity Toys 2019, Jessy...