Later, another Virginian, Chief Justice John Marshall, later gave the document much of its strength. The Old Dominion ceded (1789) a portion of its Potomac lands to the United States for the creation of the District of Columbia. In 1792, Kentucky, a Virginia county since 1776, was admitted...
But enough of the heavy stuff, you guys. I’m a happy person and that’s the way I like to be. I am excited to carry on to Waynesboro, Virginia, 130 miles up the Trail from where I am now, in Daleville, VA. There, I plan to meet up with my first college roomie, who lives...
(June 26, 1788) with both tidewater and western support. Later, another Virginian, Chief Justice JohnMarshall, later gave the document much of its strength. The Old Dominion ceded (1789) a portion of its Potomac lands to the United States for the creation of the District of Columbia. In ...