文章發表於:The News Lens 關鍵評論網 美中貿易大戰開打,中國和美國對彼此都祭出了許多手段,這讓許多原本在中國設廠的台灣企業,開始思考著「鮭魚回流」的可能性。比起先前中國祭出的「31項惠台措施」,美中貿易戰,又讓許多想要西進的台灣青年們思考著,是否要為了更好的發展西進中國插旗搶機會? 想要西進的青年,...
其他参加的投资公司和天使投资人有Walden International、Trinity Investment、Angelvest、Dorcas Investments、Vic Chen、Ogilvy PR台湾董事总经理Wei Shang、Irene Chen、优秀新闻基金会董事兼Camp Mobile Taiwan总经理Edgar Chiu和Knock Know的联合创始人兼首席营运官Alice Sun。 The News Lens联合创始人兼执行长钟子伟称,...
据猎云网报道,台湾数字媒体平台The News Lens获百万美元B轮融资。The News Lens是一家网络媒体初创公司,志向在亚洲嘈杂的媒体大环境中发出理性的声音。在进行B轮融资后,关键评论网将会着重于制作更多原创视频内容。这家初创公司还没有透露具体融资金额,但表示金额在200万到300万美元的范围内。
關鍵評論(The News Lens) 網媒體集團共同創辦人暨執行長鍾子偉(Joey Chung) 台灣本土的網媒集團關鍵評論(The News Lens)去年一月併購INSIDE(www.inside.com.tw),本年六月宣佈又再併購台灣3C科技網站癮科技(www.cool3c.com)。關鍵評論網(www.thenewslens.com)目前擁有every little d(www.everylittled.com) 和...
This premium version will include a small screen integrated into the right lens, capable of displaying notifications, messages, and previews of photos. While this doesn’t yet offer full augmented reality capabilities, it marks a significant step toward truly interactive eyewear. However, the cost ...
Lenses,News,Nikon,Product Announcement Nikon Announces New 24-135mm f/4… Cine Lens? October 31, 20244 Commentson Nikon Announces New 24-135mm f/4… Cine Lens? Nikon’s upcoming NIKKOR Z 28-135mm f/4 PZ (Power Zoom) lens is aimed squarely at the filmmaking community, marking another ...
Brand Country:Taiwan Brand Rating:8.0 Launched:1997 Founder:Cher Wang, H. T. Cho Present CEO:Cher Wang Headquarter:Xindian, New Taipei City, Taiwan Production per Year:30k phones Sales per Year:15K units Revenue per Year:791 million USD ...
Continue reading“Lens Guide: Compact Full Frame Cine Primes”→ Canon RF,Fuji X,Lenses,Micro 4/3,News,Sirui,Sony E Sirui Nightwalker 16mm & 75mm T1.2 Primes June 27, 2024Leave a Commenton Sirui Nightwalker 16mm & 75mm T1.2 Primes ...
12 / 17 / 2024 Ami Named Royal Photographic Society Honorary Fellow I am honored to share that I have been named an honorary fellow of the Royal Photographic Society, alongside such photographic luminaries as James Balog, James Friend, Sirkka-Liisa Konttinen, Michelle Sank, Marilyn Nance, Yasmine...
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