Since its appearance in the Sunday edition of the New York World in 1913 (pictured), the crossword has helped define the canon of common knowledge. Though it was invented by Arthur Wynne, an editor, in its early days, women—especially bor...
The meaning of THE WORD is stories and lessons of the Bible. How to use the Word in a sentence.
While New Yorker readers are relaxing with the cartoons, Mankoff pings and pongs, often with Will Shortz, the noted crossword puzzle editor. Mankoff's moves are half Wile E. Coyote and half scarecrow from "The Wizard of Oz." Bob Mankoff: Ping pong itself, there's something a little bit...
The meaning of THE OPPRESSED is people who are treated in a cruel or unfair way. How to use the oppressed in a sentence.
translator and writer. He has recently contributed to, among others , the Encarta World English Dictionary, The New Penguin English Dictionary and Chambers’ Dictionary of World History. He is author of Increase Your Word Power and (also with Martin Manser) The Wordsworth Crossword Companion. ...
A fresh new webzine look with streaming video of Beat at the Sweet Poetry night Founder and Executive Editor J. Macon King of the Mill Valley Literary Review is a published writer of short stories, columns and articles. He has given invited poetry readings at the Mill Valley Book Depot and...
Among the lodgers are a couple, the Rudds, forever in hope of winning crossword competitions and siring a child. They are joined by Constantia Brixworth who is down on her luck after losing her money in an American railroad scheme. She is friendly with Frances Haymer, a former explorer, ...
And I’ll know it’s a word because I’ll definitely go look it up in her crossword puzzle dictionary. And then the joke will be on me. Always. But I never back down over a word. “Look, I’m paying you too much to keep an eye out for me, in that case, if you don’t ...
The Best Finisher’s Medals of 2025 Why and How to Add Quality to Your Long Runs How Bad Is Missing a Workout in Your Plan? There’s a Secret to Train Your Brain to Run Longer When and How to Change (or Skip) Your Long Runs ...
a player waiting to get on the bus or what you. Seaver was leaning against a poll working on a crossword puzzle when my friend, probably all of twenty at the time, approached and got a gracious five minute audience with the pitcher. Seaver’s final season was 1986 when he played in ...