Puritans who thought that Massachusetts was too restrictive formed the colony of Rhode Island, where everyone–including Jewish people–enjoyed complete “liberty in religious concernments.” To the north of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, a handful of adventurous settlers formed the colony of New Hampsh...
TheNew England Coloniesincluded Connecticut, Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island.Plymouth Colonywas founded in 1620 (when the Mayflower arrived in Plymouth) but was incorporated into Massachusetts Bay in 1691. The people who left England for America on the Mayflower were called the ...
During those early days, New York began to establish itself as a land of valuable resources and innovative, free-thinking individuals. This book chronicles the history of early New York, how it became a British colony, and what life was like in colonial New York. The facts are richly ...
Discover facts about the New England colonies. See a list of New England colonies and who founded them. View a New England colonies map and see their government. Related to this Question How was the colony of Maryland different from Jamestown?
The Quartering Act of 1765 required New York to provide necessities such as housing, food, and supplies for British troops defending their colony. New York refused to comply with the Quartering Act because they were taxed without direct representation in Parliament. They thought they did not need...
The tag of being the Sick Man of Asia, a semi colony of the West, a broken country with nothing, no inventions, no modern industries, no talents except poverty and all the trappings of a poor and backward third world country vanished over a few decades. There is renewed pride as a peo...
9.Maryland had not been the only place harboring anti-Catholic feelings in the colonies. Indeed, every colony had some form of anti-Catholic law except for Pennsylvania. The farther north one journeyed, the stronger the anti-Catholicism became. As early as the 1640s, for example, the New En...
Intolerance:While the Puritans might have escaped England due to religious persecution, they did not come to America to establish religious freedom for all. They wanted to be free to worship the way they wished. In Massachusetts Bay colony, people who did not subscribe to the colony religion we...
1638 On March - 22 religious dissident Anne Hutchinson expelled from Massachusetts Bay Colony 1638 Religious dissident Anne Hutchinson expelled from Mass Bay Colony on this day in history. 1639 On March - 22 thomas Carew, English poet/diplomat (The Rapture), dies 1661 Hendrick Uylenburgh, ...
The village of Giethoorn, in the province of Overijssel, does not have any roads. All transport is done by water over one of the many canals. It is known as the "Venice of the Netherlands". History New York City started as Dutch colony called New Amsterdam. Many places names in New Yo...