The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an alt-history Cold War mod for Hearts of Iron IV. As Nazi Germany's grasp over Europe begins to weaken and Japan's puppets begin to chafe under their master, America's light of liberty burns in the OFN, aiding freedom everywhere it can as a ...
The New Order: Last Days of Europe is an alt-history Cold War mod for Hearts of Iron IV. As Nazi Germany's grasp over Europe begins to weaken and Japan's puppets begin to chafe under their master, Ame
《新秩序:欧洲末日》(The New Order: Last Days of Europe)是《钢铁雄心4》的著名历史架空模组,于2020年7月22日发布第一版。 新秩序:欧洲末日的短评 ···(全部 23 条) 热门/最新/友邻 10有用 豆友304032912023年7月26日陕西 “我才不怕打,一听打仗我就高兴。德国内战算什么打,无非轻武器,开几炮。第...
The year is 1962, and the world sits on the edge of destruction. The New Order: Old World Blues is a demo for the Hearts of Iron IV mod, The New Order: Last Days of Europe. This demo contains the following features, a small taste of what is to come in the final game: ...
No matter what happens, the world is in perhaps its most turbulent phase, with the Reich and Japan on the brink of war, and the threat of nuclear destruction looming over all, will the world survive into the 70's? -- The New Order: Last Days of Europe is ...
The New Order: Last Days of Europe 新世界秩序时间线(钢铁雄心4架空历史mod) - 来自知乎专栏·「架空世界若干」,作者:零之命运,OThe New Order: Last Days of Europe 新世界... 很有趣的假设。有时候,历史就是这么有趣,蝴蝶稍稍扇动翅膀,台风便降临了。 ...
用《新秩序》替换音乐和声音。欧洲最后的日子SFX,是对《钢铁之心4》游戏的修改。 整个音乐是由十几位IRL作者制作的,但功劳归于TNO开发团队和Ayden George。 这个MOD替换了所有事件的声音(好的、中立的、坏的和大坏的);用Ayden George制作的原声带替换了几乎所有的香草原声带;用Burgundian Lullaby替换了主菜单。