Harper is an English grammar checker designed to bejust right.I created it after years of dealing with the shortcomings of the competition. Grammarly was too expensive and too overbearing. Its suggestions lacked context, and were often just plainwrong. Not to mention: it's a privacy nightmare....
gram.ywhich is made up of a set of grammar rules and corresponding actions. scan.1thelexer, which recognizes identifiers and SQL key words. Every key word or identifier triggers a token being created and handed to the parser. The parser builds a query tree, which separates the query into...
Sometimes it is helpful to look at how others organize their notes, rules, and vocabulary lists as well.You can also ask other students how they go about preparing for class.Experiment to Determine Your Learning Preference6. Experiment to see if some tasks are better accomplished by using the...
tree-sitter-tact A fully-featured 🌳 Tree-sitter grammar for the ⚡ Tact contract programming language: 🍰 Parses whole Tact grammar as defined in grammar.ohm (with performance and usability in mind). 🎨 Provides highlighting, scoping and tagging queries. ⚙ Test-covered (including querie...
by a very great amount.She is far and away the cleverest girl in the class!con mucho,con diferencia far from 1.not only not, but.Far from liking him, I hate him.lejos de 2.not at all.He was far from helpful.nada so far
如前所言,这已成为许多重要概念界定的基础,如根据是否具有语法性地位(grammatical status)来区分词汇体(Aktionsart)和语法体(aspect)(科姆里 Comrie 1976:6–7)、语气(mood)和情态(modality)、时态(tense)和时间(time)(帕尔默 Palmer 1986:7)等。汉语语言学研究对语法的关注较晚。不得不承认,当代汉语学界对语法...
6. Informal To be superior to or better than: Riding beats walking. 7. Slang To perplex or baffle: It beats me; I don't know the answer. 8. Informal a. To avoid or counter the effects of, often by thinking ahead; circumvent: beat the traffic. b. To arrive or finish before (an...
Research on the psychology of learning has highlighted straightforward ways of enhancing learning. However, effective learning strategies are underused by learners. In this Review, we discuss key research findings on two specific learning strategies: spa
如前所言,这已成为许多重要概念界定的基础,如根据是否具有语法性地位(grammatical status)来区分词汇体(Aktionsart)和语法体(aspect)(科姆里 Comrie 1976:6–7)、语气(mood)和情态(modality)、时态(tense)和时间(time)(帕尔默 Palmer 1986:7)等。汉语语言学研究对语法的关注较晚。不得不承认,当代汉语学界对语法...
gram.ywhich is made up of a set of grammar rules and corresponding actions. scan.1thelexer, which recognizes identifiers and SQL key words. Every key word or identifier triggers a token being created and handed to the parser. The parser builds a query tree, which separates the query into...