联邦紧急救济管理局(Fera)的成立也是为了在州一级提供救济,而《国家工业复兴法案》(Nira)的通过则是为了拯救美国濒临倒闭的工厂。 The Second New Deal 第二轮新政 Criticism from both conservatives and liberalspromptedRoosevelt to push a second wave of New Deal legislation through Congress from 1935 to 1936...
联邦紧急救济管理局(Fera)的成立也是为了在州一级提供救济,而《国家工业复兴法案》(Nira)的通过则是为了拯救美国濒临倒闭的工厂。 The Second New Deal第二轮新政Criticism from both conservatives and liberalspromptedRoosevelt to push a second wave of New Deal legislation through Congress from 1935 to 1936, ...
medical specialty,medicine- the branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: ...
Homeowners Loan Act (HOLC), doing the same for home mortgages - assisting 20 percent of all urban homeowners across the nationThe National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) - replacing Section 7a of the NIRAdoi:10.1002/9781444395181.ch13June HopkinsJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd...
National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) Harris & Ewing Collection / Library of Congress The National Industrial Recovery Act was designed to bring together the interests of working-class Americans and businesses. Through hearings and government intervention, the hope was to balance the needs of all ...
To prime the pump and cut unemployment, the NIRA created thePublic Works Administration(PWA), a major program of public works, which organised and provided funds for the building of useful works such as government buildings, airports, hospitals, schools, roads, bridges, and dams.From 1933 to ...
“the vision of a business commonwealth, of a rational, cartelized business order.” By coupling those provisions with the more familiar progressive policies of antitrust and regulation, the NIRA, “as written … could be used to move in any of these directions,” thus embodying progressivism...
The New Deal responded to this call for planning with an eclectic combination of these programs under the name of the NIRA. This chapter focuses on the relationship between the NIRA and a living wage. First, it considers Roosevelt's statements on the NIRA and its goal of a living wage. ...
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(qeusetisotnionnaniraeirseasnadndtetsetsst)s,),wweeppeerrffoorrmmeedd WWiillccooxxoonn SSiiggnneedd--Rank tests for aallll eeiigghhttddeeppeennddeennttvvaarriaiabbleless: :fofuour rfofrotrhtehememotoiotinoanlaclocmompopnoennetsntosf othf ethVeAVSA, So,noenfeofroTrETCECscsocroer,ea,nad...