A mother and daughter swap bodies in this entertaining and touching family comedy, forcing them to navigate each other's lives and gain a better understanding of one another. As they struggle to find a way back to normal, they experience hilarious mishaps, unexpected friendships, and li...
Throughout, you've got a good story, with the Mitchells trying to reconnect for one last time before daughter Katie goes off to film school. Genre: Animated comedy/adventureRotten Tomatoes score: 97%Stars: Abbi Jacobson, Danny McBride, Maya Rudolph, Eric Andre and Olivia ColmanDirector: Mike...
While trying to make amends, he meets Han Gong-ju (Moon So-ri), his victim's adult daughter. She is wheelchair-bound due to cerebral palsy and all but abandoned in a cheap apartment by her callous family. Gong-ju's innate tenderness appeals to the uncontrollably impulsive Jong-du, and ...
Daughter of the Tong TomatometerPopcornmeter An FBI agent (Grant Withers) busts a smuggling ring led by a woman called the Illustrious One (Evelyn Brent). Where to Watch Daughter of the Tong Daughter of the Tong My Rating Read MoreRead LessPOST RATINGWRITE A REVIEWEDIT REVIEW...
Synopsis: Chauffeur's daughter Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn) returns home from two years in Paris a beautiful young woman, and immediately catches the... [More] Starring: Humphrey Bogart, Audrey Hepburn, William Holden, Walter Hampden Directed By: Billy Wilder Some Like It Hot (1959) 95% #31...
Synopsis: David Kim becomes desperate when his 16-year-old daughter Margot disappears and an immediate police investigation leads nowhere. He soon decides... [More] Starring: John Cho, Debra Messing, Joseph Lee, Michelle La Directed By: Aneesh ChagantyMississippi...
The Princess and the Frog is a 2009 American animated musical comedy adventure fantasy film based on E.D. Baker's novel The Frog Princess, which was in turn inspired by the Brothers Grimm's fairy tale The Frog Prince. The film opened in limited release i
Gil Bok-Soon (Jeon Do-yeon) is a single mother who often finds herself at odds with her teenage daughter. She's also a highly skilled and successful assassin. Kill Boksoon is a fantastic action film that sees its main character head straight from a brutal killing to the grocery store so...
Rodman plays an Interpol Agent named Simon, who goes on a mission to stop an arms dealer who kidnapped the daughter of a close friend. MovieStillsDB This action-comedy shouldn't take itself too seriously, but somehow it still does! It ...
Over 1K filmgoers have voted on the 80+ Best Father-Daughter Movies. Current Top 3: Despicable Me, To Kill a Mockingbird, Beauty and the Beast