新批评 The New Criticism 1星价¥20.8(6.5折) 2星价¥20.8定价¥32.0 作者:约翰·克劳·兰色姆(John Crowe Ransom) 出版社:文化艺术出版社 本类榜单:文学 分类:文学 > 文学理论 图文详情 ISBN:9787503941320 装帧:一般胶版纸 册数:暂无 重量:暂无
解析 The New Criticism “新批评”一词,源于美国文艺批评家约翰·克劳·兰塞姆(John Crowe Ransom) 1941年出版的《新批评》(The New Criticism)一书。新批评于二十世纪二十年代在英国发端,三十年代在美国形成,并于四五十年代在美国蔚成大势。它反对只关注文学作品主题而忽视文本本身的批评倾向。
19. The Harlem Renaissance哈雷姆文艺复兴:Refers to the flowering of African American literature, art, and drama during the 1920s and 1930s. Though 27、 centered in Harlem, New York, the movement impacted urban centers throughout the United States. Black novelists, poets, painters, and ...
The new modesty in literary criticismhereChronicle of Higher Education
Hegel pronounced the end of the art, actually its only the end of the classical art, and the English faculty of the north America no longer in a prevalence of the intensive reading and the new criticism, this doesn’t mean that the research of the literature has been ended, but only ...
Thin stuff with no meat in it, like a woman, who has starved herself to get what she thinks is a good figure —Ben Ames Williams This simile is used by the novelist-hero ofLeave Her to Heavento describe his current work. To many people dramatic criticism must seem like an attempt to...
主义批评criticismnew诗歌流派 新批评主义新批评主义作为一个诗歌和评论的流派于20世纪40年代成为美国的学术正统 流派。时至今日,新批评主义仍然在学术领域和大学校园里发挥着重要的作用,新批评主义 的兴起,是在20世纪20年代历时20年后终于赢得了人们的承认;三四十年代的时候才在 诗歌写作和评论领域内占据主导地位,直到...
Literary criticism may have a positive or a negative preference and may a study of an indiuidual piece of literature or an author's body of work. Modern literary criti cism is often in fluenced by literary theory wh ich is the 2 discussion literature's goals and methods. hough the two ...
This book, an important landmark in twentieth century critical theory, reviews the thinking of I. A. Richards, T. S. Eliot, and Yvor Winters. As Ransom notes, the New Criticism begins with these men, is indeed indistinguishable from them. He singles out I. A. Richards as the originator...