The political system is consociational, consensual, multi-party and corporatist (Lijphart, 1984; 1999 — see Figure 3.1 in Chapter 3, above). Elections take place according to a system of proportional representation. In the recent period the main parties have been Christian Democrat (a 1980s ...
Why Then? The history of Asia in the 17th, 18th, and 19th century is centered around the great impact of European empires. Nations such as France, The Netherlands, and Britain significantly impacted many port cities in Asia. One nation, India, first lost many port cities such as Cal... ...
The US calls itself “city upon a hill” and a “beacon of democracy”; and it claims that its political system was designed to defend democracy and freedom at the time of its founding. Yet, the vision of democracy...
Kingdom-of-the-Netherlands(荷兰)英文国家介绍.ppt,The Kingdom of the Netherlands WindmillTulip The Netherlands Netherland Dutch Capital city: Amsterdam The seat of government: the Hague[海牙]〔International Court of Justice〕Polity: Constitutional monarch
The cabinet consists usually of 13 to 16 ministers and a varying numbersof state secretaries.The head of government is Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte.(马克吕特) Political Parties Due to the multi-party system, no single party has held a majority in parliament since the 19th ...
The kingdom of the Netherlands General Information: TheNetherlands/ Dutch / Netherland (Low Country) Windmill(风车)kingdom / tulip(郁金香) kingdom. / country of the pasture(牧场) Location: mainly in north-west Europe and with several islands in the Caribbean(加勒比海)...
ThekingdomoftheNetherlands GeneralInformation: TheNetherlands/Dutch/Netherland(LowCountry) Windmill(风车)kingdom/tulip(郁金香)kingdom./countryofthepasture(牧场) Location:mainlyinnorth-westEuropeandwithseveralislandsintheCaribbean(加勒比海) Capitalcity:Amsterdam ...
The Dutch home-care system is embedded in a universalistic and comparatively generous long-term care (LTC) scheme that was introduced in the late 1960s. The tension between guaranteeing access to good-quality care and controlling costs has been a key issue since the inception of the LTC scheme...
Britain's major export partners are Germany, the United States, the Netherlands and France. 数百年来,英国一直是一个贸易国。贸易今天仍然发挥着非常重要的作用。主要出口商品是制成品、矿物燃料、化学品、食品、饮料和烟草。英国还是机械、车辆、航空航天产品、电气和电子设备等的主要供应商。英国的主要出口伙伴...
Despite being one of the smallest countries in Europe, the Netherlands boasts a strategic geographic location, world-class economy, reliable political climate and highly educated workforce. In addition to an attractive tax climate, these features make the Netherlands one of the most open economies in...