The peripheral nervous system (PNS) is the connection between the central nervous system and the rest of the body. The CNS is like the power plant of the nervous system. It creates the signals that control the functions of the body. The PNS is like the wires that go to individual houses...
collection of myelinated axons in the PNS Neuron functional cell of the nervous system Tract collection of myelinated axons in the CNS When do the primary vesicles arrive? Neural tube develops at 4 weeks gestation with the vesicles developing from the anterior end of the neural tube and fillin...
ThePeripheralNervousSystem(PNS)1 Companyname ThePNS Functionalcomponents •Sensoryinputs classifiedasgeneralorspecial •Motoroutputs categorizedassomaticorvisceral Companyname TypesofSensoryandMotorInformation 3 Companyname Explain Peripheralnervoussystem whichconsistsof Autonomicnervoussystem(ANS)whichisdividedinto...
process, and send information to the PNS. The PNS consists of cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and billions of sensory and motor neurons. The primary function of the peripheral nervous system is to serve as a pathway of communication between the CNS and the rest of the body. While CNS organs...
The nervous system controls conscious and unconscious motor and sensory as well as emotional and intellectual functions. It is divided in the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) (Figure 13.1). The CNS consists of the brai
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) The PNS acts as a relay, transmitting information between the CNS and the rest of the body. Unlike the CNS, the PNS is not protected by the vertebral column and skull, or by the blood–brain barrier, which leaves it more exposed to toxins and mechanical in...
The Nervous System Functions integrative (perception) motor (effector) peripheral nervous system Neurons in brain and spinal cord= Central Nervous System (CNS) Nerves that connect CNS to rest of body= Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) peripheral nervous system ...
thecentral nervous system (CNS)and theperipheral nervous system (PNS), shown in[link]. The CNS is comprised of the brain and spinal cord; the PNS connects the CNS to the rest of the body. In this section, we focus on the peripheral nervous system; later, we look at the brain and sp...
The brain and spinal cord form the control center known as the central nervous system (CNS), where information is evaluated and decisions made. The sensory nerves and sense organs of the peripheral nervous system (PNS) monitor conditions inside and outside of the body and send this information...
The mammalian nervous system is anatomically separated into central and peripheral systems that are functionally intertwined. The central nervous system receives a continuous stream of information about external and internal environmental factors from sensory elements of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), ...