A.P. Indy 96 91 80 83% KY Aaron the Hat 4 4 4 100% AL Aaron's Concorde 6 2 1 17% MD Aaron's Gold 7 4 3 43% VA Abaginone 21 15 13 62% NY Abahazy 1 1 1 100% MI Abbadabbadubai 5 1 1 20% TX Able Buck 3 2 2 67% TX Abou El Abed 6 2 2 33% PR Abraxas Posse...
19. The Negotiator (1998) 20. Those Who Love Me Can Take the Train (1998) 21. Notting Hill (1999) 22. La Comedie-Francaise Ou L'Amour Joue (1996) 23. Buffalo 66 (1998) 24. A Simple Plan (1998) 25. The Apple (1998) 25. Kundun (1997) 25. Love Go Go (1998) 28. Star Wars...
Han tries but fails to convince both parties that he would fix things eventually, with the Guavian Death Gang negotiator, Bala-Tik, recognizing the BB-8 astromech droid from a First Order bounty placed on it. They demand that Han hand over the droid and any stowaways he might have on ...
I want to add High Fae Negotiator, a card that can dome everyone for 3 when bargained. Let’s take out cards that don’t make much sense like Magnus the Red, Be'lakor, the Dark Master, Bile Blight, and Dark Ritual. #6. Izzet Phoenix 2022 Challenger Deck Arclight Phoenix | ...
Baltimore Gray 17 7 5 29% OK Bandit Bomber 3 3 3 100% PR Banjo 18 7 6 33% AB Bankbook 10 5 4 40% PA Banker's Gold 86 69 58 67% KY Banks Well 3 2 1 33% OK Banner Flag 3 0 0 0% IL Baquero 29 20 16 55% OR Bar Mac 1 1 1 100% NM Bargello 3 2 2 67% PR Baric...