The meaning of AFFIRMATIVE is asserting that the fact is so. How to use affirmative in a sentence.
yea- an affirmative; "The yeas have it" double negative- an affirmative constructed from two negatives; "A not unwelcome outcome" negative- a reply of denial; "he answered in the negative" Adj.1.affirmative- affirming or giving assent; "an affirmative decision"; "affirmative votes" ...
It is best, however, if you can avoid the negatives; avoid saying “no” or “not.” In other words, instead of saying you will have “no problem,” you say that you “will easily … (do whatever).” Always use the positive. Some suggested affirmations for promoting your psychic ...
Furthermore, they report that negatives resulted in significantly more activation than affirmatives. However, they applied a very narrowly defined region of interest, namely seven coronal slices covering posterior temporal cortex (BA 22, 37), and superior parietal (BA 5, 7) and inferior parietal ...
Camp, S. D., Steiger, T. L., Wright, K. N., Saylor, W. G., & Gilman, E. (1997). Affirmative action and the “level playing field”: Comparing perceptions of own and minority job advancement opportunities. The Prison Journal, 77 (3), 313–334....
Opposites in the sense of 'privatives' and 'positives' are' blindness' and 'sight'; in the sense of affirmatives and negatives, the propositions 'he sits', 'he does not sit'. View in context The body is a big sagacity, a plurality with one sense, a war and a peace, a flock and...
False positives and false negatives are precisely type I and type II errors, respectively. Namely, individuals that are granted loans but are not able to repay, and individuals that are able to repay but are not granted loans. This is known as Equality of Odds68, and is thus the ...
dealt with. We must next explain the various senses in which the term 'opposite' is used. Things are said to be opposed in four senses: (i) as correlatives to one another, (ii) as contraries to one another, (iii) as privatives to positives, (iv) as affirmatives to negatives. ...
Negatives Of The Verb To Be When saying something isn’t true, use ‘not’ after the verb. For example: ‘I am‘ =>’I am not‘ ‘He is‘ =>’he’s not” or ‘he isn’t‘ ). Here’s how you can contract or expand the verb “to be” when forming negative statements: ...
b.Something that lacks all positive, affirmative, or encouraging features; an element that is the counterpoint of the positive:"Life is full of overwhelming odds. You can't really eliminate the negatives but you can diminish them"(Art Linkletter). ...