- The Geometric Distribution toc: true date: 2018-03-29 08:57:12 Abstract: 本文介绍负二项分布,几何分布的基础知识 Keywords: The Negative Binomial Distribution,The Geometric Distribution开篇废话到目前为止,所有的分部都是从Bernoulli 分布衍生出来的:二...
8.2 The Normal Distribution 8.3 The Poisson Distribution 8.4 The Negative Binomial Distribution 8.5 The Gamma Distribution 8.6 The Bernoulli and Binomial Distributions伯努利和二项分布 8.7 The Natural Exponential Family自然指数族 8.7.1 Which Distribution to Select? 8.8 Zero Truncated Distributions for Count...
The negative binomial distribution is aprobability distributionthat is used with discrete random variables. This type of distribution concerns the number of trials that must occur in order to have a predetermined number of successes. As we will see, the negative binomial distribution is related to t...
The negative binomial distribution (NBD) is widely used to describe the distribution of parasitic helminths in a number of host individuals and has proved a useful, though possibly overused, empirical and theoretical device. It is therefore important that the limits to the applicability of the NBD...
The Negative Binomial Distribution (负二相分布) 负二项分布有两个参数,其密度函数是: f(y; k, \mu) = \frac{\Gamma(y + k)}{\Gamma(k) \times \Gamma(y + 1)} \times (\frac{k}{\mu + k})^k \times (1 - \frac{k}{\mu + k})^y ...
negative binomial(Pascal) distribution —— 负二项式分布(帕斯卡分布),1.定义假设一串独立的伯努利实验(0-1,成功失败,伯努利实验),每次实验(trial)成功和失败的概率分别是p和1−p。实验将会一直重复下去,直到实验失败了r次。定义全部实验中成功的次数为随
In this work, the statistical analysis of real corrosion data from underground pipelines operating in southern Mexico leads to conclude that the negative binomial distribution provides a better description for defect counts. The origin of this distribution from several processes is discussed. The ...
We show that both the multiplicity distribution and the ratio of factorial cumulants over factorial moments for 2-jet events in e+e- annihilation at the Z^0 peak can be well reproduced by the weighted superposition of two negative binomial distributions,
Here we re-examine tests of fit for the negative binomial distribution that were introduced by Anscombe (1950); they are based on a dispersion statistic U and a third moment statistic T. Small sample power calculations are given for U and T. We are not aware that such powers have been ...
In this paper,under entropy loss function,the Bayesian estimation,the E-Bayesian estimation and hierarchical Bayesian estimation of the negative binomial distribution reliability θ with the Beta distribution and the power distribution as its prior distribution are given.The numerical results show that the...