作品名:The Nebula’s Civilization(슬기로운 문명생활),中译可以叫《星云文明》 来自Android客户端10楼2023-12-19 15:42 回复 ✡煌黑龙✡ 初级粉丝 1 观看地址可以看这里 目前这漫画只有英语和韩语,不过他这英语挺简单的,看懂无压力:https://kaiscans.com/series/the-nebulas-civilization/...
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The Nebula's CivilizationChapter 326 (Teaser)On the day of the Mafia game, those who agreed to participate in the Mafia game were seated around a round table at the top of the Tower of Beginnings in the Hall of Myriad Stars.0 Sung-Woon had just finished explaining the rules of the ...
Peace or war? It was all an option. Sure, it’s modern day MMO successorElite: Dangerousdoes everything the original did only much, much better, replacing monochrome wireframe graphics with stunningly-rendered ships and sumptuous views of nebulas and burning suns, but back in 1984, what the ...
I was asked to keep quite about this until April 23rd, which is when the announcement is to be made at the Nebulas, but now that it's indeed the 23rd, and that announcement either has been made or is being made now, I'm pleased to report that the Babylon 5 pilot movie, "The Gath...
Ultimately, civilization is destroyed, and Montag and his surviving book-loving friends hope to rebuild it with knowledge as the foundation. Bradbury has written many other important and critically-acclaimed novels. One of my favorites is the poetic SF novel The Martian Chronicles (1950). 4. ...
The Buried Giant: A Novel to The Buried Giant: A Novel You would have searched a long time for the sort of winding lane or tranquil meadow for which England later became celebrated. There were instead miles of desolate, uncultivated land; here and there rough-hewn paths over craggy hills ...
In 1962, at the ripe age of 20, he published his first novel, The Jewels of Aptor, and went on to win a slew of Hugos, Nebulas, and other major awards. Now he’s 76, and the latest entry in his decades-long career is The Atheist in the Attic, a collection from PM Press’s ...
A thousand great battles have been fought right here in the Boneyard, where the Cold Crawl clears the nebulas. It’s the logical place to take a stand in defense of the bubble, the only place an attack from the direction of the galactic core can realistically come from. The conquerors/set...
They have two big ones, the Hugos and the Nebulas, and both hand out trophies for short stories, novels, novellas, and novelettes, the last two being stories longer than short stories but shorter than novels. You might ask, “Science Fiction, why do you need two words for stories ...