What is not literature?What is the nature of literature?Most literary histories do include treatment of philosophers, historians, theologians, moralists, politicians, and even some scientists.Within the history of imaginative literature, limitation to the great books makes incomprehensible the continuity ...
1) On the Nature of Literature 文学本质探源2) essence of literature 文学本质 1. While the apposition of essence of literature and existing mode of literature leads to the separation of the literary theories,the establishment of noumenon is the initial consi. 20世纪的西方哲学和文论研究为克服...
To achieve this, it should con-克制,抑制tain two elements: universal interest and personal style.contain two elements包含两种要素Good literature reflects the most basic of human na-ture-love and hate, joy and sadness, fear and hope.Ithuman nature人性also takes on a personal style-no writer ...
Unit 1TheArtofLiterature What is literature? What is not literature?What makes us treat something as literaturewhile dismissing others as non-literature? These questionsare rarely answered clearly. This unit focuses on thenature ofliterature. Part I Text A Lead-in Do you think the following ...
The Nature of Literature The first problem to confront us is, obviously, the subject matter of literary scholarship. What is literature? What is not literature? What is the nature of literature? Simple as suchquestions sound, they are rarely answered clearly. One way is to define “literature...
to prove that some truthand beauty remain unnoticed until asensitive human soul brings them toour attention.4 Good literature reflects the most basicof human nature-love and hate, joy andsadness, fear and hope.A3 1 The story of the child and the manis similar to the study of literature. ...
Good literature reflects the most basic of human nature-love and hate, joy and sadness, fear and hope. It also takes on a personal style no writer can describe human life without reflecting his own life and experiences. In summary literature is the expression of life in forms of truth and...
Good literature reflects the most文学不同于前面两个的第三个特征,便是basic of human nature-love and hate, joy and sadness, fear and永恒。 若要永恒,需要包含两个要素:共性与个hope. It also takes on a personal style-no writer can describe human性,好的文学反映出人类最基本的天性 — —爱life ...
The third quality of literature, coming out of the other two, is its permanence.To achieve this, it should contain two elements:universal interest and personal style. Good literature reflects the most basic of human nature-love and ha...
heopensadoorthroughwhichourimaginationentersanewworld,aworldoflove,beautyandheroism. Thethirdqualityofliterature,comingoutoftheothertwo,isitspermanence.Toachievethis,itshouldcontaintwoelements:universalinterestandpersonalstyle.Goodliteraturereflectsthemostbasicofhumannature—loveandhate,joyandsadness,fearandhope.It...