The Nature of gamma-ray Loud Narrow Line Seyfert I Galaxies PKS 1502+036 and PKS 2004-447galaxies: activegalaxies: Seyfertgamma rays: galaxiesquasars: individual: PKS 1502+036 PKS 2004--447Variable gamma-ray emission has been discovered in five Radio-loud Narrow Line Seyfert 1 (NLSy1) ...
1977 through 1979 at or near the Galactic center; and (2) a steady, diffuse interstellar source of 511 keV annihilation line and orthopositronium continuum emission, having a galactic longitudinal distribution consistent with that of the more than 70 MeV gamma rays or the molecular (CO) gas. ...
However, the burst has already shed light on secrets of the Milky Way galaxy, including the nature of its distant dust clouds, through phenomena involving the gamma-ray jet’s X-ray waves. As the X-rays travel toward us and through the dust clouds, the rays are reflected into so-called ...
IN a letter to NATURE of December 4, Prof. J. A. Gray pointed out that a study of radiations of shorter wave-length than 0.02 脜.U. is complicated by the scattered radiations accompanying them, about which little is known. That gamma rays under certain experimental conditions appear to ...
原名:The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds 片长:100 分钟 制片国家/地区:美国 编剧:阿尔文·萨金特/Paul Zindel 导演:保罗·纽曼 上映日期:1972-12-20(美国纽约) 又名:雏凤吟, 寒门怨, 伽马射线效应 imdb编号:tt0068528 类型:剧情 ...
We explore the potential of INTEGRAL to improve our understanding of the low fluence regime for explosive transients, such as GRBs. We probe the nature of the so-called "WEAK" INTEGRAL triggers, when the gamma-ray instruments record intensity spikes that are below the usual STRONG significance...
This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution to check access. Rights and permissions Reprints and permissions About this article Cite this article HILLIER, R. Nature and distance of the sources of Vela gamma rays. Nature 251, 375–376 (1974).
et al. The light curve of the macronova associated with the long-short burst GRB 060614. Astrophys. J. 811, L22 (2015). Article ADS Google Scholar Rastinejad, J. C. et al. A kilonova following a long-duration gamma-ray burst at 350 Mpc. Nature 612, 223–227 (2022). Article ADS...
Gamma-rays from the Large Scale Structure of the Universe Gamma-ray astronomy will play a crucial role in the investigation of nonthermal processes in the large scale structure of the universe. Particularly, galaxy clusters (GC) observations at this photon energy will help us understand the ori....
Nature Astronomy volume 7, pages 976–985 (2023)Cite this article 1066 Accesses 835 Altmetric Metrics details AbstractThe majority of long-duration (>2 s) gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) arise from the collapse of massive stars, with a small proportion created from the merger of compact objects. ...