《The Nature of Firm》(企业的性质)是新制度经济学的先驱罗纳德·科斯1937年发表在《Economica》第4期(总第16期)上的经典论文。这篇论文以及1960年发表的《社会成本问题》帮助科斯最终获得了1991年诺贝尔经济…
firm科斯nature原文price性质 TheNatureoftheFirm(1937) R.H.COASE Economictheoryhassufferedinthepastfromafailuretostateclearlyitsassumption.Economistsin buildingupatheoryhaveoftenomittedtoexaminethefoundationsonwhichitwaserected.This examinationis,however,essentialnotonlytopreventthemisunderstandingandneedlescontroversy wh...
The Nature of the Firm 1937R. H. COASEEconomic theory has suffered in the past from a failure to state clearly its assum
回归题目:企业的本质(The Nature of the Firm)是市场价格机制(price mechanism)的替代(supersession)
The Nature of the Firm (1937) R. H. COASE Economic theory has suffered in the past from a failure to state clearly its assumption. Economists in building up a theory have often omitted to examine the foundations on which it was erected. This examination is, however, essential not only to...
1)the nature of the firm企业性质 1.To the nature of the firm or the reason to be a firm , Marxism economics give its explain from the interest of devision of labor and the modern firm theories explore it in-depth and professionally with the base of transaction costs.对于企业性质即企业为...
罗纳德·科斯的《企业的性质》(The Nature of Firm)是一篇对经济学理论产生深远影响的经典论文。这篇文章于1937年发表在《Economica》杂志上,为新制度经济学的形成奠定了基础,并最终帮助科斯在1991年荣获诺贝尔经济学奖。在这篇仅有27岁青年撰写的论文中,科斯提出了交易费用的概念,为理解企业存在的...
The Nature of the Firm (1937) R. H. COASE Economic theory has suffered in the past from a failure to state clearly its assumption. Economists in building up a theory have often omitted to examine the foundations on which it was erected. This examination is, however, essential not only to...